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You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Victoria Central > File Details - Victoria Central Jan-Mar 2020

File Details - Victoria Central Jan-Mar 2020

Victoria Central Jan-Mar 2020

Notes on the Timetable
Trains : 2302
Rules : 718
Decisions : 8

This timetable is based on January-March 2020, and should be run in 2014 mode.

This is a Mon-Fri timeatble, with the day chosen randomly. Many trains (escpecially freight) do not run on a daily basis, which gives a different scenario each time the simulation is run.

All platforming at Victoria is as per the WTT although a couple of amendments have had to made where there were clashes.
Rules have been applied to stop sets returning earlier than is possible when the oubound train is late or in times of disruption.
Rules as well as dwell and turnaround times are as per Network Rail's Rules Of The Route document.

ARS Notes:
At the very start of the timetable, 2J01 gets priority over 9W17 at Tulse Hill. Make 2J01 non-ARS to stop this happening. A note has been added to 2J01's ttimetable.
2Bxx ARS gives priority to 2Bxx at Balham on Up slow lines over 2Kxx off up Streatham line. Need to be wary of booked times
2Fxx ARS gives priority to 2Fxx at Crystal Palace over 9Bxx departing from plat 5. Be wary
2Bxx ARS gives priority to 2Bxx at Steatham North Jn over 1Ixx booked first.
9Oxx ARS gives priority to 9Oxx at Streatham South Jn over 1Ixx booked first
Class 5 trains often get priority over trains booked before it. Good idea to make ECS non-ARS
ARS will not interpose where there is a decision/choice to be made of trains when reversing
ARS will not interpose where a class 5 train reverses at Victoria. Re-interpose the train upon arrival at Victoria. A note has been added to timetables effected

ECS Movements:
ECS trains often get priority over trains booked to run ahead of it. Its a good idea to make ECS services non-ARS and deal with them manually.
ECS trains can often disrupt the timetable especially so when they run early, this is especially noticable at Streatham Hill when the timetable begins, where there is an odd conflict in the timings of sets going back to the Shed or to the Down Sidings. Be wary of these trains as they can delay last passnger trains of the day while they make the shunting and reversing moves at Streatham Hill.

Freight :
All freight trains times are from the official cif files, consists are checked with trains that have ran during the period of the timetable (January-March 2020). Checks have been made as to what days trains actually ran historically, and the decisions of DOTW (Day of the week) is based on this imformation.
99% of the Freight trains in this timetable only run on certain days, which will give adifferernt scenario each time the Sim is run.

Warning :
Just an advisory note that there is a warning which pops up a couple of times when the timetable is being run.. I belive that it is an ARS fault but doesnt cause any issues with the timetable and can be ignored.
The warning says "Internal error : PBK01 contains non-visible items in this era : B0563"
This has been logged on Mantis.

Thanks :
Thanks go to Geoff Mayo for creating SimSig in the first place, and for the developing of Victoria Central
Thanks also to Chris Law for assistance with the cif filles, and to Vince Shirley for additional testing and advising me of some errors from the initial release.

Please PM me if you find any faults or errors as with the radomness involved in the timetable its not possible to check every scenario thoroughly.

I hope you enjoy this challenging timetable as much as I have compiling it.

Timetable written by Phil Hodgson (Phil1044)

Timetable Versions :
21 June 2020 : v1.0 (Version 1) Initial Release

24 July 2020 : v1.1 Released with the following alterations/modifications as per WTT :

1C99, 5F66 additional trains MO.
1D00, 1D98, 1W02 changed to plat 1 at Balham as per WTT (incorrectly shown as P3 but didnt affect the train running)
1L76, 2F76, 2F91, 2H73, 2I98 altered to run MX.
1F96 and 1H54 dwell at Victoria amended to prevent late start after joining.
2B93/95/97 entry time altered by 2 mins earlier to avoid ARS delaying trains upon entry at Selhurst.
2F91, 3S92/H47011-5 train consists added.
5F75 set down only added to Streatham Hill time to allow train to depart early.
5I70 route altered to be via Crystal Palace.
5O01 route altered to be via P2 at KPA to allow 6O35 past.
5O81 retimed with added pathing time.
Correted workings and plats for 5L02/1L02/1R02, 5B91/2B91/1Y02, 5V02/1R04/1B06, 5I02/2I02, 5I04/1I04 at VIC.
6Y01 timings for TThO corrected.
Balham, Norwood Jn and Selhurst have had platform numbers added to many trains which were ommited (note : timetable still ran ok without them)
Several freights have had passing times added (tick of the box) which were ommitted in error

User-contributed > Timetables > Victoria Central
24/07/2020 at 11:53
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267.2 KiB
File Name
Victoria Central Jan-Mar 2020.WTT

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