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Frequently Asked QuestionsWhy are some Sims not available to download
A simulation area I bought has been resignalled. Can I get a free update?
I've installed a Simulation, but I can't find the shortcut!
I've paid for a sim but haven't received it.
I've paid for a sim but it only runs in demo mode.
My anti-virus/anti-malware software does not like SimSig.
'SimSig is not installed' error when starting the Loader
Why are some timetables missing?
Can I reload saved simulations when a new version is released?
When I try to create a sticky note, no window appears and the simulation view becomes unresponsive.
The sim crashes when I try to scroll the main window!
I can't find my savegames with Explorer, but they're there when I look in SimSig!
The supplied timetable has platform conflicts all over the place!
Why are the signals only showing Red and Green aspects?
Can I set my own line closures?
Why are actions in SimSig slow at times?
How do I find the signal numbers?
Trains stopping on the approach to your area
What goes into building a simulation?
Last edited by Peter Bennet on 16/06/2024 at 13:44