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ARS Issue Stoke Area

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ARS Issue Stoke Area 31/01/2023 at 22:06 #150354
1177 posts
As mentioned in my other thread regarding Staffordshire Winter 2022 timetable there seems to be an issues around Stoke Jn and Stoke Station. With the Sim running in ARS and ARS Full Mode trains seem to go off route or signals seem to route after a train has passed a location. Link to the thread: https://www.SimSig.co.uk/Forum/PostView/150353
Aaron (AJRO) | Timetable Writer
Last edited: 31/01/2023 at 22:06 by HST125Scorton
Reason: None given

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ARS Issue Stoke Area 31/01/2023 at 22:07 #150355
4869 posts
This doesn't really warrant a new thread.
"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
Last edited: 31/01/2023 at 22:09 by headshot119
Reason: None given

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