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Train not Defined 06/04/2023 at 18:26 #151064
1177 posts
Can someone help with my puzzled brain?.

I have my Carlisle 08-03-2023 done and tested, I am now doing the 0445 seed for trains but I have come across a little timetabling niggle with 1L70/2L71 in Platform 7. 2L71 comes into the timetable at 0455 from Dumfries and couples to 1L70 to form that service to Glasgow. I will provide a screenshot to show.

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Aaron (AJRO) | Timetable Writer
Last edited: 06/04/2023 at 18:27 by HST125Scorton
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Train not Defined 06/04/2023 at 18:54 #151065
895 posts
Without a copy of the TT to look at, the simplest answer is that there is no timetable for 1L70 and so there is no timetable for 2L71 to form
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Train not Defined 06/04/2023 at 18:56 #151066
1177 posts
Sorry about that, thought I uploaded it. Both trains have timetables but they don't like 0445 seeding.
Aaron (AJRO) | Timetable Writer
Last edited: 06/04/2023 at 18:56 by HST125Scorton
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Train not Defined 06/04/2023 at 19:29 #151067
895 posts
Thank for the TT
So as expected on opening the 0445 seed version 1L70 does not seed in P7 and so there is nothing for 2L71 to join and so it terminates at carlisle with no further working
The simplist solving is to duplicate 1L70 and assing the second one to 0445 seed group, however this will create other seed group errors.
If you create 2 seed trains for 1l70 (call it say PL07) which seed the train in P7, has a single untimed location of carlisle p7 with next working 1L70. Tell one to seed at TT start and the other to seed at 0445, then all warnings should clear

Last edited: 06/04/2023 at 19:29 by y10g9
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Train not Defined 06/04/2023 at 20:07 #151068
1177 posts
y10g9 in post 151067 said:
Thank for the TT
So as expected on opening the 0445 seed version 1L70 does not seed in P7 and so there is nothing for 2L71 to join and so it terminates at carlisle with no further working
The simplist solving is to duplicate 1L70 and assing the second one to 0445 seed group, however this will create other seed group errors.
If you create 2 seed trains for 1l70 (call it say PL07) which seed the train in P7, has a single untimed location of carlisle p7 with next working 1L70. Tell one to seed at TT start and the other to seed at 0445, then all warnings should clear
I tried what you have mentioned instead of PL07 I used 5L71. I have done 2x 1L70 one for midnight seed (Top of the timetable in image) and one for 04:45 seed. 5L71 created in platform 7 for 0445 seed untimed with next working 1L70. It still throws up the same errors. I'm really sorry I'm not 100% clever with seeding groups as I usually do full 24hr timetables.

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Aaron (AJRO) | Timetable Writer
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Train not Defined 06/04/2023 at 20:32 #151070
895 posts
HST125Scorton in post 151068 said:
y10g9 in post 151067 said:
Thank for the TT
So as expected on opening the 0445 seed version 1L70 does not seed in P7 and so there is nothing for 2L71 to join and so it terminates at carlisle with no further working
The simplist solving is to duplicate 1L70 and assing the second one to 0445 seed group, however this will create other seed group errors.
If you create 2 seed trains for 1l70 (call it say PL07) which seed the train in P7, has a single untimed location of carlisle p7 with next working 1L70. Tell one to seed at TT start and the other to seed at 0445, then all warnings should clear
I tried what you have mentioned instead of PL07 I used 5L71. I have done 2x 1L70 one for midnight seed (Top of the timetable in image) and one for 04:45 seed. 5L71 created in platform 7 for 0445 seed untimed with next working 1L70. It still throws up the same errors. I'm really sorry I'm not 100% clever with seeding groups as I usually do full 24hr timetables.

The errors you got were the errors you get when just done the first suggestion not the second. Can you attach another copy and i'll have another look for you

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Train not Defined 06/04/2023 at 20:39 #151071
1177 posts
Timetable here, 2x 1L70, 1x 5L70 untimed next working 1L70 for Join to 2L71.
Aaron (AJRO) | Timetable Writer
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Train not Defined 06/04/2023 at 20:58 #151073
895 posts
It needs to be the following
1x 5L70 seeded at CE327X (TT Start) - Single untimed location of Carlisle P7 - Next Working 1L70 (C53305)
1x 5L70 seeded at CE327X (0445 seed) - Single untimed location of Carlisle P7 - Next Working 1L70 (C53305)
1x 1L70 that starts at carlisle with the join for 2L71

See cut down TT attached

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The following user said thank you: HST125Scorton
Train not Defined 06/04/2023 at 21:02 #151074
5239 posts
HST125Scorton in post 151071 said:
Timetable here, 2x 1L70, 1x 5L70 untimed next working 1L70 for Join to 2L71.
I think you've not fully taken in what Nathan (y10g9) said.

2L71 needs to join to 1L70. However, you have two 1L70s in the TT which is confusing it. The way round it is to devise a way to only have 1 x 1L70 in the TT. This is a train where the set would already be in sim at both 00:00 and 04:45 seed times. However, the TT for 1L70 only starts after 04:45. IRL the set for 1L70 has come from a previous working which left the sim before 00:00 so what you are wanting to seed is not 1L70 but the ECS from the previous working.

If you were doing that in a normal middle of the day TT working you would have 1CXX arriving at Carlisle with N 1L70. 1L70 would then pick up the TT and carry out any actions as per the TT. Carrying that back to the seeding situation you need a seed at each seeding group time which replicates the middle of the day timetabling. So you set up two seeds, one for each seeding time. I tend to use the TD from the previous days inbound working while others use something to identify the train by platform or siding. You can use the same TD for each seed (although you may wish to add a suffix to the TD or the UID so that you have a marker for the seed time). Each seed will enter at the platform, will have a single untimed entry with the platform location, and N 1L70. That way there is only 1 x 1L70 in the TT and the confusion is taken away. You don't seed 1L70, you seed the stock that forms 1L70 under a different TD for as many seed group times as you need.

Edit: took longer to do the typing than Nathan!

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Last edited: 06/04/2023 at 21:05 by postal
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The following user said thank you: HST125Scorton
Train not Defined 06/04/2023 at 21:33 #151076
1177 posts
Many thanks to you both. I was confused as I'm not really that good with seed times etc for 0445s. I now have 2x 5L70 for both seeds with 1x 1L70 next working for Joining 2L71 and it's worked as it should.
Aaron (AJRO) | Timetable Writer
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The following user said thank you: postal