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Game Details

Saltley (plus Stourbridge, New Street, Wolverhampton, Walsall, Aston and Derby)
Planned chain for once. It's 15:45. Game speed will be slow unless more people jump on. Failures will be on.

Come and have some fun. Grab a panel once you jump on. No Teamspeak as I've broken my headphones. I'll put it on but I won't be talking

22:00 - 01:00 GMT [Estimated finish]
Start Date/Time
11/12/2024 22:00:00
Simulations in use
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Aston , Birmingham New Street , Derby , Saltley , Stourbridge Junction , Walsall , Wolverhampton
Banners88 Today at 19:11 (Tentative)
rodney30 Today at 22:03

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