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SimSig Paisley
ARS Operation
Auto route Operation
Known problems / limitations with ARS:

SimSig Paisley

ARS Operation

ACI is provided as standard with the ARS module and in non-ARS mode simple ACI is provided and can be selected by use of the button by each location. At Gourock and Largs this is an integral part of the auto-working set up.


Auto route Operation

Limited Auto route setting is provided on the Gourock and Largs branches which overrides ARS (if selected).

At Gourock trains will be sent to platform 1 if not occupied and will wait if TRTS has been called, otherwise they will be sent to platform 3 if not occupied and will wait if TRTS has been called, otherwise they will be sent to platform 2.

TRTS will set route for departure.

At Largs trains will be routed from PH525 through PH533 to platform 1 (as preference) otherwise platform 2. TRTS will set route for departure.


Known problems/limitations with ARS:

Paisley box itself was not fitted with ARS, it is provided to assist solo play. As with the real ARS, it has its limitations over and above the fact that the NX panel was not designed for ARS operation. Regulation will be a problem from time to time and occasionally you may get a ‘Mexican stand-off’, also in some converging junctions ARS may get the priority wrong. Some signals may benefit from collaring for ARS, particularly loop exits, though many locations are coded not to fire the ARS till near departure time.

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Last edited by GeoffM on 15/09/2016 at 03:00