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Slough Panel
Version History
Current Version (Version 1.4)
Current Version (Version 1.2)
Current Version (Version 1.1)
First Release (Version 1.0)

Slough Panel

Version History

Current Version (Version 1.4)

Released 27/05/2024

Ticket number [Category] Description Notes
0040861: [Issue] West Drayton #2 Ground frame locking
0040845: [Issue] Remove 106 overlap

Current Version (Version 1.2)

Released 10/03/2024

Ticket number [Category] Description Notes
0039775: [Issue] Remove L106_REV and L135_REV debug arrows
0038295: [Issue] Colnbrook Shunter calls after train left.
0038161: [Issue] Player can cancel internal routes at Bourne End
0037827: [Issue] Speeds at Marlow
0039738: [Suggestion] Wrong Route Code for Regulating Stops
0036798: [Issue] S171R Display Name
0039765: [Issue] 106BC conditions
0037150: [Suggestion] Implement Platform Alterations Feature

Current Version (Version 1.1)

Released 06/05/2022

Ticket number [Category] Description Notes
0035973: [New] Issue Defensive Driving rules incorrect for ASP=Y (Sim Issue SN265 slow to clear, not Driving Rules)
0036082: [New] Issue Train stopped at Signal West Drayton #1 GF
0036084: [New] Issue Can't release West Drayton #2 GF after 6L21 departs

First Release (Version 1.0)

Released 30/03/2022

Slough Manual

Last edited by Hap on 27/05/2024 at 17:41