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SimSig South Humberside
Phone Calls
Yards & Sidings
A number of yards require you to phone ahead to advise of a train's approach and get permission to send it in. There is no rule or time limit on how early you make the call but if you do not then you will incur a penalty in most cases.
The locations are:
- Reception Sidings (one phone for both Reception and Storage Sidings)
- Lindsey oil panel;
- Coal Export Terminal;
- Coal Pads 1+2;
- Ore Pad;
- Immingham TMD;
- Humber Oil Refinery DOES NOT need a phone call, but does need you to request a slot by pressing the relevant button.
- Anchor sidings;
- CHP (coal handling plant);
- Trent TC.
- Cleethorpes carriage sidings
Last edited by GeoffM on 15/09/2016 at 03:00