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Version History
Version 4.16 (28th May 2024)
Version 4.14 (30th November 2022)
Version 4.7 (30th November 2022)
Version 4.3 (20th June 2022)
Version 1.2 (22nd August 2018)
Version 1.1 (7th August 2018)
Version 1.0

Version History


Version 4.16 (28th May 2024)

0038889: [Issue] 130 shouldn't have a shunt
0039439: [Issue] When chained to Sydney Box (Path file error)
0040521: [Issue] ARS Ashfield set incorrect route: Run 22-U

Version 4.14 (30th November 2022)

0035337: [Issue] West Ryde auto reliability for legacy timetables
0037863: [Issue] ARS misroute Homebush P5
0037845: [Issue] ARS pathing Flemington Goods East-Middle-West
0037980: [Issue] Syd Nth broken chain command
0037733: [Issue] Chaining data to Sydney Box

Version 4.7 (30th November 2022)

0036298: [Issue] Aspect sequencing - ST144 -> ST138

Version 4.3 (20th June 2022)

0035762: [Issue] Berths not assigned to workstation
0029582: [Issue] EXT to Sydney North
0030798: [Issue] Homebush ACI on Goods Line
0030845: [Issue] Check path data for location Flemington Markets
0033928: [Issue] Change Epping Entry Points back
0033922: [Issue] Non Described Train Messages on Strathfield for Epping Area during Chain
0030819: [Issue] Location stepping for diverted trains North Strathfield
0030832: [Issue] Strathfield Loader V5 Master Ticket
0030799: [Issue] Ensure Flemo scratch pad is not visible to ARS
0030817: [Issue] Missing overlap marker
0030820: [Issue] Check overlap Up Flemo Goods
0030844: [Issue] Centre text for Flemington station
0031651: [Issue] SFD SOO TT: CSAs 157P at S131 and B01A at S390
0031650: [Issue] SFD SOO CSA: 106K at S239
0032045: [Issue] Same location indices (Loader V5.8.5)
0026004: [Issue] 2013 layout: hide 514 points
0029045: [Issue] Equipment doesn't fail
0030834: [Issue] ACOA - Up main into Flemo sheds 382-322
0021476: [Issue] Phone Calls from off sim locations
0025623: [Issue] No wrong route call coming out of FCS
0026441: [Issue] Ryde Override setting up too late on Up Sub
0026787: [Issue] Lidcombe Junction 713 points locking
0026804: [Issue] Check track speeds on the north main lines
0026989: [Issue] Ashfield P3 time release
0027029: [Issue] ACOA down suburban Ashfield
0020929: [Issue] Unable to swing 703A within overlap of 395.
0024696: [Issue] Ashfield 509 points locked in overlap
0025996: [Issue] Flemo Z Road Slot message goes to host
0026000: [Issue] ACI at Flemington Markets
0026001: [Issue] Trains occasionally overshooting Lidcombe P1
0023633: [Issue] TD does not step when train is passing a shunt signal.
0024693: [Issue] Homebush P5 ARS
0024699: [Issue] Erroneous wrong route call at 309
0024721: [Issue] Wrong Route Lidcombe - Flemington Markets via Olympic Park
0022294: [Issue] 404 warner route can be put into auto
0022295: [Issue] Speed - Up Sub, Clyde to Auburn
0023559: [Issue] ST414 Shunt
0023560: [Issue] No wrong route call on ST373
0019358: [Issue] Locking at Flemington C.S. Junction
0020760: [Issue] Spreadsheet confusion: ST297 stepping to shed
0020864: [Issue] Flemington Markets location
0021021: [Issue] Unable to set 814 Signal
0021094: [Issue] Lidcombe auto turnback bugs
0021099: [Issue] ARS out of order at Auburn/Auburn down yards
0021132: [Issue] Swingset not swingable - Flemo Sheds
0021331: [Issue] P655 not setting when signal when 327 is set into road X
0021332: [Issue] "To" text on Main South at Berala
0021341: [Issue] Clear signal on points in transit at Homebush
0021355: [Issue] Hot Keys Not Provided
0021450: [Issue] Signal IDs
0021468: [Issue] Track never times out
0021496: [Issue] 297 overlap issue causing ACOA
0021504: [Issue] 530 points free too early causing ACOA
0021712: [Issue] 825 approach control clearing immediately
0021713: [Issue] 801 no low speed fitted/ACOA
0021714: [Issue] ARS sets wrong route 302 to Up Suburban
0021776: [Issue] Lidcombe Phonecalls
0021777: [Issue] Trains standing at Lidcombe P3 to occupy both tracks
0022083: [Issue] ST299 - no wrong road calls for trains to Olly Pks
0022296: [Issue] ST118 - No Low Speed fitted
0022298: [Issue] ST382-ST310
0022300: [Issue] 836 calls wrong panel
0022286: [Issue] Stepping Issue

Version 1.2 (22nd August 2018)

0021112: [Simulation bugs] ARS and northbound traffic (GeoffMayo) - resolved.
0021121: [Simulation bugs] HM50 appearing non-ARS but timetable appears to be correct (GeoffMayo) - resolved. ARS issue fixed
0021465: [Simulation bugs] Blocking Auburn (GeoffMayo) - resolved. Blocking Up Sub will now also re-route sub side sheds to the main side
0021335: [Simulation bugs] Lidcombe down sub sig 407 (GeoffMayo) - resolved.
0020880: [Simulation bugs] West Ryde "Who Wins" Decision box (GeoffMayo) - resolved. Better user selection
0021448: [Simulation bugs] Flemington Markets Locations calls the Host (GeoffMayo) - resolved.
0021447: [Simulation bugs] Overlap issue causing ACOA at 291 (GeoffMayo) - resolved.
0021469: [Simulation bugs] Signal 33 Ashfield incorrect aspect sequence (GeoffMayo) - resolved. And a couple of other places

Version 1.1 (7th August 2018)

0021336: [Simulation bugs] Partial release of overlap at 239 is missing (GeoffMayo) - resolved.
0021339: [Simulation bugs] 152 - 144. 562 points should lock normal. (GeoffMayo) - resolved.
0021342: [Simulation bugs] 117X is a stop board not a signal (GeoffMayo) - resolved.
0021110: [General] 690 and 695 points (GeoffMayo) - resolved.
0021356: [Simulation bugs] Overlap for 116 signal not displaying too far. (GeoffMayo) - resolved.
0021369: [Simulation bugs] Remove 130 auto button (GeoffMayo) - resolved.
0021384: [Simulation bugs] ACOA at M5.62 (GeoffMayo) - resolved.

Version 1.0

Last edited by flabberdacks on 27/05/2024 at 17:20