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Shunting the Indian Pacific

Shunting the Indian Pacific

In the 1st November 2017 official timetable, train 3AS8, 'The Indian Pacific', is far too long for any platform at Sydney Terminal. A specific series of moves is carried out to break the train up into two portions short of the platforms, then shunt the portions separately into the Terminal. The train is then reassembled later for departure.

The Indian Pacific does not run if you start a new game at 14:00 on this timetable.

Unlike real life, you are not required to provide protection for ground staff walking around the train at any time.

To set a shunt route between two main signals, hold Shift while setting the route, or click the Shunt/CO button near the game clock, then set the route.

Note: Using shunt routes is always recommended unless trains are fully departing the terminal towards Redfern. Using main routes for shunting can have unintended consequences, such as certain moves becoming locked out. Setting a main route from 63 to 105 will lock up Wells Street junction. A shunt route between the same signals has a shorter overlap and will allow Wells Street to be used while the shunt is in progress. Also, ARS will prove ineffective for such an intricate sequence, with manual interposing or sticky notes advised.

1) Signal the train up to signal SY71 on the Up Main, ensuring you use a shunt route from 110 to 71.

2) The train will stop at 71 and detach one of the two locomotives, NR28. Route NR28 to platform 2.

3) Once the lead locomotive is on platform 2, set signal 71 into platform 3.

4) The second locomotive will then draw the train forward, stopping with roughly half of the train either side of signal 71. Shunters will then divide the train at that mid-point. Once the divide is complete, the leading portion will move fully into platform 3, and locomotive G530 will detach and become trapped on the buffers in platform 3.

5) Signal NR28 from platform 2 onto the second portion of the train using a shunt route towards signal 63. Signal 63 cannot be set in this situation, so you must authorise passing that signal at Stop/Danger. Once authorised to pass 63, NR28 will attach to the second portion of the train.

6) Signal the second portion of the train into platform 1. Locomotive NR28 will detach and become trapped on the buffers in platform 1.

7) You will now use light engine NR34 to release the locomotives off the buffers. This engine arrived earlier and waits in the Motorail Dock. Signal NR34 into platform 1 using shunt routes. The second portion of the train is still too long for platform 1 and will hang slightly off the platform, but you will still be able to set shunt routes for the attaching move.

8) Once NR34 is attaching to the platform 1 portion, set a shunt route along the Up Main line in the down direction from signal 63 to signal 104 (There is no route from 63 to 96 in the interlocking). Once attached, the portion of the train in platform 1 will shunt out just far enough to clear the mid-platform crossover.

9) NR28 can now be released off the buffers towards the P1/2 middle road. Use the P1 shunter's release frame to set the points, then handsignal. NR28 will move to the middle road, then form DAS8 which departs for Chullora via Sydenham at 13:29. Leave DAS8 on the middle road until departure time.

10) 'HL22' (the platform 1 portion of the train) will soon "request permission to move" via telephone. This is a request to push their portion back onto the blocks. Authorise this after DAS8 is clear in the middle road, and you have restored the signal, points and P1 shunter's release to Normal.

11) NR34 will now detach from the platform 1 portion and must be shunted over to platform 3 to release that locomotive in a similar way. Set a shunt route from 63 to down main signal 105, which will authorise loco NR34 to move out and reverse behind shunt signal 87.

12) From signal 87, the route into platform 3 can be set in two portions. First, set 66 to platform 3. Then set 87 to 66. NR34 will attach to the platform 3 portion.

13) Set a shunt route from 38 to 64, and release trapped loco G530 off the platform 3 buffers in the same way as earlier on platform 1.

14) G530 moves to the P3/4 middle road and waits for NR34 to join.

15) Once the platform 3 portion is shunted fully back into the platform, NR34 will detach and needs to be shunted to the P3/4 middle road to join G530.

16) Set a shunt route again from 38 to 64, authorising NR34 to reverse behind signal 55. Then set 55 to the P3/4 middle road. The two locomotives will attach, forming 'NRG1'.

Nothing happens for a while now. Station staff, train crew and ground staff are doing their thing. DAS8 departs at 1329.

17) At 14:10, shunt light engines 'NRG1' from the P3/4 middle road to the Down Main behind signal 87, then towards platform 1.

18) Wait for train 299E to pass through Redfern platform 1. This is the last train to traverse the Up Main through Redfern before you assemble the Indian Pacific once again for departure. Once you commence the shunt movements to reassemble the train, you will not be able to signal any trains through Redfern P1 until the Indian Pacific departs. In multiplayer, ensure the player on Illawarra Junction workstation knows that you cannot accept any further traffic on the Up Main.

19) Set shunt routes along the Up Main line from signal 63 to 104, 104 to 117, 117 to 127. The Platform 1 portion will move onto the Up Main line behind signal 71.

20) Set a shunt route from 71 to platform 3. The portions will attach to form departing train 3SA8, and will wait for the departure time of 15:03.

The Up Main is used in this manner to allow other trains to depart via the Down Main while the Indian Pacific is present. At the timetabled departure time of 15:03, set signals along the Up Main line to Redfern platform 1, then over to the Down Main, and on towards Ashfield. If not already, clear the shunt route from 71 into P3.

Well done!

Last edited by flabberdacks on 27/05/2024 at 17:37