The Train List window shows you all the trains currently present in your control area. From here, you can instruct trains to run to a different timetable, pass signals at danger where necessary, or even - if you're in a real mess - reduce their length or remove them altogether.
To perform an action on a particular train, right-click on it in this list and select from the menu. See below for details.
ID - This is the train description . Note that the train list shows the real reporting number of any trains; if you get into trouble with the train describer - for instance if you have lost track of what a train is - you can usually find out the information you need here
UID - This is the unique identity of the train
Timetable - This is the reporting number of the timetable the train is running to. Usually the same as the reporting number but if you have to replace one train with another, this might be different.
Dir - The direction the train is heading: in most cases, Up = towards London; Down = away from London.
Status - Shows the current speed or status of the train
Current/Prev Location - This shows the description of the last named location the train passed - usually the last station passed
Length - the length of the train
Can pass sig - is "Y" if you have authorised the train to pass a signal at danger
Non-stop - is "Y" if you have told the driver to pass through the next station non-stop
Power - indicates the power required by the train. Can be e.g. Diesel, AC (for overhead lines), 3DC (for 3rd rail) or 4DC (for LUL 4th Rail)
Description - shows the description of the timetable the train is running to
Driving Rules - shows which (if any) defensive driving rules set the train is following.
Workstation - the Workstation the train is currently on.
Allows the Train List to be sorted in alphabetical/numerical order by Train ID, Status, Location, Length, Description, Power or Workstation.
Enter any train property or text displayed in the window (a train ID, a length, a power type, 'Stopped' etc.) and only trains with that property will be displayed. Useful for isolating one train or a group of trains.
By right-clicking on a train you can bring up a menu which allows you to perform various actions on that train.
The Train List is HTML based, and the display format can be changed by editing the supplied 'trainlist.css' file, which can be modified via the CSS tab in the options menu . If you wish, you can use the original, non-HTML train list by ticking the box in Options . Please note that this Train List does not have all the capabilities of the HTML based one does (see below).
Some users running SimSig on non-Windows machines have encountered difficulties using the HTML based train list. The option has been retained to use the SimSig legacy train list, shown below. Note that certain functions are not available in this version of the train list.
Last edited by Steamer on 07/01/2024 at 17:50