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Table of Contents

SimSig LTS
Official Files
Start-Up Options
Other Options
Lime Street Control
Workstation Notes
Timetable Notes
Timetable Service Patterns
Level Crossings
Multiplayer & Chaining
Hot Keys
Reference Section
Signal Number Plan
Signal Box Prefix Codes
Signal Identification
Platform, Loop & Siding Lengths
Speed Limits
Timetabling Details
Splash Screens
Other Railways
External Resources
ARS / Route Data
Version History

SimSig LTS

Official Files

Title Version Released
Simulation (Payware) 1.7 19/09/2018
2014 WTT 1.1 22/09/2018
08/04/2015 WTT (Midnight, 0400 & 1400 starts included) 5.1 30/09/2020

Additional user-written timetables are available to download here here .


Welcome to another of the IECC series of simulations. Upminster IECC is located in the town of the same name, in a futuristic building overlooking the railway. SimSig LTS (London, Tilbury & Southend) features all of the LTS line workstations in one simulation and, unusual for a signalbox, holds all its passenger trains captive for most of the day (see below). This is one simulation where you can see direct consequences of delaying a train rippling throughout its next few services - there is little room for error in this simulation!

Once known as the Misery Line, the LTS has bounced back to become one of the top performing railway lines in the country. A complete resignalling in the 1990s and new rolling stock, coupled with new timetables and refurbished stations, means the line is better and busier than ever. The peak hours can be especially intensive with the four platforms at Fenchurch Street and two lines to Barking approaching maximum capacity, typically featuring departures on average every three minutes in the evening peak.

The layout consists of the main line from Fenchurch Street to Shoeburyness via Barking, Upminster, and Pitsea, with the Tilbury Loop going from Barking to Pitsea via Grays, and the single line Ockendon branch extending from Upminster to Grays. The Tilbury loop contains a large number of freight yards and sidings, particularly in the Ripple Lane and Dagenham Dock areas. The Ford Motor Company features heavily in this area, with container traffic to and from Ripple Lane, and to Tilbury Riverside Sidings. Some oil traffic uses the Thames Haven branch, with various other freights making up the numerous other yards and sidings in the simulation.

The Tilbury Loop contains a large number of CCTV crossings , supervised by a separate workstation. The simulation can be started with this workstation either enabled or disabled: this affects all CCTV and MCB crossings with the exception of Pitsea Hall, which is part of the Southend workstation. Even with CCTV crossings disabled, there may still be plenty of phone calls to use the numerous accommodation and occupation crossings in the area. The whole line is moderately flat and close to the River Thames so flat crossings are common.

A typical weekday timetable will see as many as 35 passenger trains in the simulation at any one time. This will keep you on your toes!

Just as in real life, full ARS is provided in this simulation.

Start-Up Options


Easy mode

No delays or late running; no trackside equipment failures.

Normal mode

A typical day; a fair chance of late running, and a chance of trackside equipment failures.

Hard mode

A high chance of trackside equipment failures; late running as per 'Standard' mode.

Other Options

Option Description
ARS enabled When 'Full' is selected, the simulation runs with full ARS as per real life. However, some manual routing is still required, particularly on the Tilbury Loop. With ARS switched off the simulation becomes fully manual and a different kind of challenge, best shared with 2-3 other people.
Level crossings enabled When ticked, runs with level crossings fully manual. When off, CCTV crossings will be disabled; however, you will still receive phone calls for permission to cross at other crossings.



As noted earlier, full ARS is provided in this simulation. Generally it is okay (in fact, so is the real life ARS!) but problem areas are the single line Ockendon branch when trains are running late (usually 2Dxx headcodes) and freights on the Tilbury Loop.


All running lines and crossovers between Fenchurch Street and Shoeburyness- including the branches to Bow Jn and Woodgrange Park- are electrified with standard 25kV overhead lines. Note that Platform 1 at Barking is not electrified.

The carriage sidings at East Ham and Shoeburyness are electrified, as are the exchange sidings and connections to HS1 at Ripple Lane. Seabrook sidings are also electrified. Other than this, all freight sidings are non-electrified.

Lime Street Control

The approaches to Fenchurch Street and Shoebury have Lime Street Control fitted. Each platform is split into three sections, each four carriages long. The approaches have three tracks, the first two of which are also four carriages long (the length of the third is not relevant). In order to get a proceed (subsidiary) aspect, there must be at least the same number of tracks empty in the platform as there are occupied on the approach. If one platform track is occupied then two approach tracks may be occupied. If two platform tracks are occupied then only one approach track may be occupied. All other combinations result in no proceed aspect being shown, with the obvious exception of a completely empty platform.

Note that Shoeburyness platform 3 is only eight carriages long. However, the interlocking does not prevent a 12-car going in to this platform, but will only allow a 4-car on top of a 4-car.

Workstation Notes

LTS is split into four workstations: London, Southend, Tilbury, and the level crossings workstation. The level crossings workstation is a bunch of screens and CCTV crossing controls, with the signaller effectively playing "whack-a-mole " with the controls.


Reduced Overlaps

A number of locations have reduced overlaps which are automatically selected by the interlocking, such as at Barking and at Upminster. The interlocking will set and lock a main class route with a full overlap but if the second half of the overlap is occupied and the berth track of the signal is occupied for a time, it will show a single yellow aspect as if a warner route was set. You have no control over this, nor need to do anything about it. It means that a second train can get closer to the station while the first is still performing its station duties, thus improving the headway.

Note that in SimSig only the "reduced" part of the overlap is shown locked. The interlocking in SimSig still requires the track(s) beyond clear, or the berth track occupied for time.

Signals with automatic reduced overlaps are as follows:

Area Signals
Fenchurch Street UR108, UR512
Barking UR161, UR167, UR523
Upminster UR211, UR214, UR537, UR540

Note that this list does not include signals with warner overlaps that can be selected by use of the yellow triangle.

Signal UR112

When set to UR108, UR112 will only show proceed if UR108 is off or any route from UR106 is set. This is to prevent a train potentially blocking Christian Street Junction.

Aspect Sequences between Barking and Upminster

A number of unusual signalling controls are applied to signals between Barking and Upminster. These are listed below:

Signal Control
UR162 If signal UR160 is at danger, this signal will be approach controlled.
UR170 This signal cannot be cleared if UR529 has a route set.
UR174 This signal will show a double yellow if UR170 is also showing a double yellow.
UR176 When set towards UR174, this signal will show a double yellow if UR174 is also showing a double yellow and UR170 is showing a single yellow.
UR203 This signal will show a double yellow if UR209 is showing double yellow and UR211 is showing single yellow.
UR209 This signal will show a double yellow if UR211 is showing double yellow.
UR529 This signal cannot be cleared if UR170 has a route set.
UR532 When set towards UR530, this signal will show a double yellow if UR530 is also showing a double yellow.

East Ham EMUD

Arriving Trains

Trains can be routed into the Inlet line without a slot or release. You must, however, wait for the Inlet track circuit to become clear before allowing the next train into the Inlet line. As inbound trains stop to await instructions from the depot on the Inlet line, it is advisable not to send consecutive trains from Fenchurch Street without a gap of at least 2-3 minutes otherwise the main line will be blocked while waiting for the Inlet line to clear.

For a train to reverse at signal UR1015 into the depot, or from UR156 into the depot, or reversing at UR1020 for the depot, the slot for the appropriate signal must be requested. When it is granted you can route from the signal into the depot.

Departing Trains

For both UR900 and UR1019, the shunter will interpose the departing train's description approximately three minutes before departure time. When the train is ready to depart the depot, the 2043/2044 release indication will light, allowing you to set the route out from the depot.


The R&F indication (Reverse and Free [to move]) flashes when the points are reverse and are free to move to the normal position. The signaller should restore these points to the normal position as soon as possible after use to protect against runaways from the sidings.


TRTS is provided at the following locations:

Location Platform(s)
Fenchurch Street Platforms 1 to 4
Barking Platform 1
Upminster Platform 1A
Ockendon Platform 1 (London end)

Regulation Notes

  • Be careful sending empties to East Ham EMUD in quick succession, one behind the other. Each train has to stop to obtain instructions from the shunter before proceeding, and the shunter needs to operate pointwork between trains, as well as walking back and forth talking to drivers and operating the panel. Two to three minutes apart is okay.
  • Trains reversing at Upney Junction from Barking platforms 7/8 must do so on the

    Up Connecting Line, not the Down.

Wherever possible, route trains according to the timetable. The preferred platforms are otherwise as follows:

  • Barking - down towards Upminster - platform 4
  • Barking - up from Upminster - platform 5
  • Barking - down towards Purfleet - platform 7
  • Barking - up from Purfleet - platform 8
  • Upminster - down towards West Horndon - platform 2
  • Upminster - up from West Horndon - platform 1
  • Ockendon - platform 1



TRTS is provided at the following locations:

Location Platform(s)
Grays Platform 3

Last Wheel Replacement

Signals UR1166 (leading from the Purfleet Branch) and UR1186 (leading from Seabrook Sidings) both exhibit last wheel replacement .

Signal UR673 (Grays)

Note that if a long train is still only just beyond signal UR671/UR869, the overlap at UR673 won't release because the interlocking still deems the route set. This is true to life: cancel the route from YR671/UR869 manually.

Signal UR806 (Ripple Lane West)

This can only show a shunt aspect alongside a fixed red aspect.

Level Crossings

Manor Way and Rainham CCTV crossings still exist as full CCTV crossings in interlocking and physical terms. However, both have been relegated to foot crossings only with the former road across the railway blocked. At both of these crossings it is normal to leave the barriers down. If a user wishes to cross they will phone you. If no train is approaching, raise the barriers for a minute or so to give them time to cross, then you can lower them again.

Thames Board Mills, Deep Wharf, and Jurgens crossings are locally monitored. A crossing keeper in a box adjacent to the tracks will see conditional track occupancy states for trains approaching, and visually see trains on the third (unsignalled) line, and lower the barriers appropriately. However, in order to see track occupancy states, routes must be set in good time. Jurgens is closed and will permanently show as "crossing clear".

Ripple Lane West Sidings

These are used as a staging and train sorting facility. No loading/unloading takes place here. Trains will telephone to report that they are ready for departure.

Ripple Lane Freightliner Terminal

Several companies use the FLT for loading and unloading of Freightliner wagons. Access at both ends is via ground frame. Trains will telephone to report that they are ready for departure.

Exchange Sidings

Trains will telephone to report that they are ready for departure.


A slot must be requested before trains can be routed into these locations. Ensure the slot is given before routing trains from Exchange Sidings.

Down Yard

A slot must be requested before trains can be routed into this location.


The sidings to the left of the station are out of use.

The connection to the right of the station gives access to a number of sidings. It starts with a long, slow single line adjacent to the Tilbury Loop before splitting and allowing trains to reverse into some sidings. Trains will therefore report entering several minutes before arriving at signal UR1166. Is is therefore recommended to wait until the driver calls from UR1166 before setting route out, otherwise the main line will be blocked for some time.

Seabrook Sidings

The shunter must be phoned to request acceptance of an inbound train. Do this as soon as possible, once other trains are clear. If permission is delayed, freights may be held at UR869 before Grays to await a path.

Note that longer trains may require the route to be cancelled from UR671 (or UR869) before route can be set into the yard. This is because the route has not completed train operated route release as the rear has not completely passed the signal, so the overlap at UR673 is locked, preventing routing into Seabrook.

A train may depart Seabrook while another train has been given permission to enter. A hand point allows the shunter to do this safely.

Riverside Sidings

The shunter must be phoned to request acceptance of an inbound train. Do this as soon as possible, once other trains are clear.

Ground Frames

Where ground frames have handsignals, these (as in the ground frame operator's arms) are not interlocked with the frame, as per reality.

Freightliner Terminal West

This ground frame has two releases: one for down trains arriving from the Barking direction, and another, which has to be used in conjunction with the first, for trains reversing in from the Dagenham end or for departing trains.

The levers/switches are as follows:

Lever Purpose
1 Release Release for the points leading into the FLT
2 Points Points leading into the FLT
3 Signal UR1135 Shows proceed aspect on signal UR1135 when points are set into the FLT
4 Release Release for the points between the Down Goods and the Up Goods
5 Points Points between the Down Goods and the Up Goods
6 Signal FW6 Shows proceed aspect on signal FW6 when points are set towards the FLT
Switch handsignal Gives a hand signal to the driver when departing the FLT in the up direction (not interlocked)
For arriving trains from the Barking direction

Operate as follows:

- Signaller gives release by left clicking the F roundel on 1601

- Shunter takes the release by reversing lever 1

- Shunter operates the points by reversing lever 2

- Shunter gives a proceed aspect to the driver by reversing lever 3

Once train is clear of the pointwork:

- Shunter normalises lever 3

- Shunter normalises lever 2

- Shunter gives up release by normalising lever 1

- Signaller takes back control by right clicking the F roundel on 1601

For arriving trains from the Dagenham direction

The train should be standing between signals UR808 and FW6.

Operate as follows:

- Signaller gives releases by left clicking the F roundels on 1601 and 1602

- Shunter takes the first release by reversing lever 1

- Shunter operates the FLT points by reversing lever 2

- Shunter takes the second release by reversing lever 4

- Shunter operates the crossover points by reversing lever 5

- Shunter gives a proceed aspect to the driver by reversing lever 6

Once train is clear of the pointwork:

- Shunter normalises lever 6

- Shunter normalises lever 5

- Shunter gives up second release by normalising lever 4

- Shunter normalises lever 2

- Shunter gives up first release by normalising lever 1

- Signaller takes back control by right clicking the F roundels on 1601 and 1602

For departing trains

Operate as follows:

- Signaller gives releases by left clicking the F roundels on 1601 and 1602

- Shunter takes the first release by reversing lever 1

- Shunter operates the FLT points by reversing lever 2

- Shunter takes the second release by reversing lever 4

- Shunter operates the crossover points by reversing lever 5

- Shunter gives a hand signal to the driver by operating the handsignal switch

Once train is clear of the pointwork:

- Shunter restores the handsignal switch

- Shunter normalises lever 6

- Shunter normalises lever 5

- Shunter gives up second release by normalising lever 4

- Shunter normalises lever 2

- Shunter gives up first release by normalising lever 1

- Signaller takes back control by right clicking the F roundels on 1601 and 1602

Regulation Notes

  • Don't hold a train at UR669 (West Thurrock Junction) from the Purfleet direction. Hold it back at UR667 instead. There is a risk of locking yourself up with trains to/from Seabrook Sidings and blocking the Ockendon branch.
  • Do not send trains from the Exchange Sidings towards Dagenham Ford or Hanson until you have obtained the release.



TRTS is provided at the following locations:

Location Platform(s)
Laindon Platform 2 (both ends)
Pitsea Platforms 3 and 4 (London end only)
Leigh-on-Sea Platform 2 (both ends)
Southend Central Platforms 1 and 4
Shoeburyness Platforms 1 to 3

West Horndon

It is permissible to terminate a train in the Up platform at West Horndon from the Upminster direction, while an Up train is signalled from Laindon towards West Horndon along the Up line. Care should be taken to ensure the down train really does terminate at West Horndon and turns into an Up train!

Shoebury CS

Arriving Trains

There is an Arrivals Release indication for each end of the carriage sidings. As a train approaches from Thorpe Bay, or is ready in the platforms at Shoeburyness, the shunter will see the train description and grant the arrivals release. No signaller action is required to request the release as the shunter sees the train description on his train describer screen.

Once the arrivals release is granted, the appropriate points will become unlocked to allow the route to be set into the sidings.

Departing Trains

Approximately three minutes before departure time, the shunter will interpose the departing train's headcode in the appropriate departure berth. When the train is ready to depart, the shunter will operate the Departures Release, which will allow the points to reverse and route to be set out of the sidings.

Regulation Notes

  • With the 3-minute forewarning of departures from Shoeburyness CS and East Ham EMUD, it is all too easy to set a route out too early and block a train scheduled earlier from passing. Check the timetables carefully.

Wherever possible, route trains according to the timetable. The preferred platforms are otherwise as follows:

  • Laindon - down towards Basildon - platform 3
  • Laindon - up from Basildon - platform 1
  • Pitsea - Main lines down towards Leigh - platform 1
  • Pitsea - Main lines up from Leigh - platform 2
  • Pitsea - Tilbury lines down towards Leigh - platform 3
  • Pitsea - Tilbury lines up from Leigh - platform 4
  • Leigh-on-Sea - down towards Southend - platform 3
  • Leigh-on-Sea - up from Southend - platform 1
  • Southend Central - down towards Shoebury - platform 2 (late night use platform 3)
  • Southend Central - up towards Shoebury - platform 3
  • Shoeburyness - platform 2

Timetable Notes

Timetable Service Patterns

Since at least the 1990s, the LTS has kept the same service designations, indicated by the second character (alpha) in their headcode. These are as follows:

  • 1Bxx - fast trains between London and Shoeburyness via Basildon
  • 1Dxx - fast trains between London and Leigh-on-Sea / Southend Central / Shoeburyness via Ockendon
  • 1Rxx - fast trains via Rainham
  • 2Bxx - stopping trains between London and Shoeburyness via Basildon
  • 2Dxx - stopping trains between London and Leigh-on-Sea / Southend Central / Shoeburyness via Ockendon
  • 2Kxx - stopping trains between Upminster, Ockendon, and Grays
  • 2Rxx - stopping trains via Rainham
  • 5Exx - trains for East Ham EMUD
  • 5Sxx - trains for Shoebury CS

Empty coaching stock is either designated 5xxx or 3xxx, with 3xxx being an important service to not delay. 5Bxx, 5Rxx, 5Dxx etc (not listed in the table above) are generally those either forming the same service with the first digit changed (eg 5B00 forms 2B00), or empties formed from a previous service (eg 2D97 forms 5D97).

Some early morning and late night trains run to Liverpool Street (via Woodgrange Park) instead of Fenchurch Street. These carry the letter G, as in 1Gxx/2Gxx/5Gxx.

A typical weekday sees over 500 services run, formed of either 4-car, 8-car, or 12-car Class 357 units (since the late 1990s). Occasionally other class units are scheduled.

Level Crossings

Name Type Panel
Deep Wharf MCB Tilbury
East Tilbury CCTV Tilbury
Esso OCC Tilbury
Fobbing AHB Tilbury
Gardners CCTV Tilbury
Golden Lane OCC Tilbury
Grays CCTV Tilbury
Jurgens MCB Tilbury
Kersey No.1 ACC Southend
Kersey No.2 ACC Southend
Low Street CCTV Tilbury
Manor Way CCTV Tilbury
Merrings ACC Tilbury
Mucking AHB Tilbury
No.168 ACC Tilbury
Pitsea Hall CCTV Southend
Purfleet CCTV Tilbury
Purfleet Rifle Range ACC Tilbury
Rainham CCTV Tilbury
Salvation Army OCC Southend
Stanford-le-Hope CCTV Tilbury
Thames Board Mills MCB Tilbury
Vange Wharf CCTV Tilbury
Walton Common ACC Tilbury
Whipps Farmers ACC Southend
Willow Marsh ACC Tilbury

Multiplayer & Chaining

In Multiplayer, there is provision for four playeres- three operating the panels, and a fourth operating level crossings only.

The simulation does not chain to any other simulation.

Hot Keys

In addition to the standard shortcut keys , the following are available:

Key Panel Area
F Fenchurch St
B Barking
R Ripple Lane
U Upminster
O Ockendon
G Grays
L Laindon
P Pitsea
H Stanford-le-Hope
E Leigh-on-Sea
C Southend Central
S Shoeburyness


Simulation by: Geoff Mayo

Many thanks to Kev Meredith for testing, to Paul Curran and Noel Young for timetable help, to Tony Hutchins for a driver's perspective of the LTS route, and to various staff at Upminster IECC and elsewhere who answered questions and provided help.

Reference Section

Signal Number Plan

LTS Signal Number Plan

These are Adobe Acrobat PDF files. If you don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer you can get a free download of the latest version from the Adobe website . Use the built-in Find function (Ctrl+F) to locate signal numbers.

Signal Box Prefix Codes

Code Box
AF Ashford (CTRL)*
L Liverpool Street*

*Fringe box, signals not controlled in this simulation.

Non-prefixed signals are controlled by Upminster IECC (UR).

Signal Identification

Signal identification follows a logical sequence in Upminster IECC, as follows:

  • 101 to 354 are on the main line between Fenchurch Street (101) and Shoeburyness (354), normal direction moves
  • 501 to 596 are on the main line between Fenchurch Street (501) and Shoeburyness (596), wrong direction moves and relief/slow lines
  • 601 to 743 are on the Tilbury Loop between Woodgrange Park (601) and Pitsea (743)
  • 804 to 842 are on the Tilbury Loop between Ripple Lane (804) and Dagenham (842)
  • 851 to 874 are on the Ockendon branch between Upminster (851) and Grays (874)
  • 882 to 884 are on the Thames Haven branch
  • 900 is at East Ham EMUD
  • 902 to 930 are on the Tilbury Loop between Barking (902) and Pitsea (930)
  • 1002 to 1055 are shunt signals on the main line between Fenchurch Street (1002) and Shoeburyness (1055)
  • 1101 to 1192 are shunt* signals on the Tilbury Loop between Barking (1101) and Tilbury Town (1192)

* - some shunt signals were made into full colour light signals some time after installation but kept their original IDs.

Platform, Loop & Siding Lengths

Platform Lengths

All passenger platforms on the main line and Tilbury loop are capable of taking 12-car trains, with the exception of Barking platform 1, Upminster platform 1A, Shoeburyness platform 3, Ockendon, and Grays platform 3 (see below).

Station Platform/Line Length (m)
Fenchurch St All 250
Limehouse Both 250
Gas Factory Loop 244
Barking 1 183
::: 4 278
::: 5 257
::: 7 246
::: 8 257
Upminster 1 247
::: 2 247
::: Bay/1A 143
West Horndon Both 248
Laindon All 249
Basildon Both 251
Pitsea 1 250
::: 2 250
::: 3 ???
::: 4 ???
Benfleet Both 251
Leigh-on-Sea 1 247
::: 2 248
::: 3 248
Chalkwell Both 248
Westcliff Both 248
Southend Central 1 248
::: 2 251
::: 3 276
::: 4 248
Southend East Both 246
Thorpe Bay Both 249
Shoeburyness 1 255
::: 2 264
::: 3 181
Grays 1 ???
::: 2 ???
::: 3 173
Ockendon 1 165
::: 2 167
Chafford Hundred 1 242

Siding Lengths

Location Siding Length (m)
Ripple Lane West 1 375
::: 2 250
::: 3 405
::: 4 505
Waiting at UR804 1339
Waiting at UR1115 343
Waiting at UR808 388
Waiting at UR810 245
Exchange Sidings All 730
Waiting at UR869/UR671 (clear of West Thurrock Jn) 729

Speed Limits

LTS Speed Limits

Timetabling Details

This section is intended for people who wish to create timetables for SimSig LTS. An understanding is not required for people just playing the simulation but may be of interest.


Since most of the main line is bi-directionally signalled, and there are direction of flow indicators which lock out opposing moves, it is not recommended to seed trains between stations. While it will work perfectly okay, the directional locking will not be active and will not prevent an opposing move to be signalled. Therefore, for Barking - Dagenham East - Upminster - Laindon - Pitsea - to Shoebury, and Upminster to Grays, it is recommended to see in station platforms only.

Barking Upney Junction

For up trains from the Dagenham East direction using platforms 7 or 8 at Barking, the location Barking Upney Junction must be used with a line code of UCL.

Trains reversing at Upney Junction from Barking 7/8 must specify a line code of UCL in order to be able to reverse. The train will register Upney Junction between signals UR910 and UR915.


The whole line has a lot of gradient changes. Only those 1 in 115 and steeper are listed below, generally only listing the steepest segment:

  • Gas Factory Jn to West Ham: 1 in 99 down
  • West Horndon to Laindon: 1 in 110 up
  • Basildon to Pitsea: 1 in 110 down
  • Chalkwell to Westcliff: 1 in 94 up
  • Westcliff to Southend Central: 1 in 80 up
  • Southend Central to Thorpe Bay: 1 in 115 down
  • Ockendon to Chafford Hundred: 1 in 110 down followed by 1 in 110 up
  • Chafford Hundred to West Thurrock Jn: 1 in 110 down
  • Barking Station Jn to Barking platform 1: 1 in 80 up

Splash Screens

Splash1 A Class 357 arrives at Tilbury Town, working a service to Fenchurch Street.

Other Railways

The LTS line runs alongside the Docklands Light Railway from Fenchurch Street to Limehouse and crosses over it at West Ham.

The London Underground District Line runs alongside from near Gas Factory Junction all the way to Upminster.

The High Speed Line from St. Pancras International to the Channel Tunnel runs alongside the Tilbury Loop from Dagenham Dock to just before Purfleet, after which it crosses the LTS line twice before ducking under the Queen Elizabeth II bridge over the River Thames and into a tunnel under the same.

The Romford to Upminster line is a stub branch line from Romford and runs alongside the LTS and District line for a short distance before Upminster station.

None of the above lines are controlled by Upminster IECC.

External Resources


Title Description
Cabride Fenchurch Street to Shoeburyness Cab ride from Fenchurch Street to Shoeburyness via Stratford. Note: This cab ride predates Upminster IECC
Cabride Fenchurch Street to Southend Cab ride from Southend Central to Fenchurch Street via Tilbury. Note: This cab ride predates Upminster IECC. At the 29 minute mark we can see the former branch to Tilbury Riverside.

Google Maps

View Description
View Looking west with the high speed line crossing over the Tilbury Loop line between Purfleet and Grays
View Looking south from Purfleet crossing
View Looking west from Renwick Road Junction
View The five scissors crossings at Fenchurch Street
View Pitsea from Pitsea Hall level crossing
View Running alongside the River Thames near Leigh-on-Sea
View Southend Central
View Shoebury Carriage Sidings
View The end of the line - almost! The level crossing leading to the MOD complex at Shoeburyness


Link Description
Wikipedia Wikipedia article on the London, Tilbury, and Southend railway
Wikipedia Wikipedia article on East Ham EMU Depot
Flickr Llangollen Signaller's photos of Upminster IECC

ARS/Route Data

ARS Notes

Version History

Version History

Last edited by Steamer on 07/07/2024 at 13:45