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Central Coast NSW
Startup Options
Signalling Features
Workstation Overviews
Additional operational notes
Loop, siding and platform lengths
Version History
Signal Number Plan

Central Coast NSW


Welcome back to NSW, Australia! This sim covers Sydney's 'Main North' line from Hawkesbury River all the way to Islington Junction and the city of Newcastle. This is a slow-paced sim covering a lot of territory, where your regulation decisions are key.

Central Coast can chain to Sydney North for a large multiplayer game. Trains will 'hand over' between sims at Woy Woy tunnel.

Freight traffic does not always run exactly to timetable. Some trains gain time when given a good run, others struggle to keep time. Trains departing balloon loops, especially Eraring, are generally not given enough time and will appear to be late - this is quite normal. Learning the running times between locations through experience will help you path these slow freighters.

Startup Options


2008-2012: The layout at Gosford prior to construction of the extended Up and Down Refuges is simulated, and the signal boxes north of Broadmeadow are still open.

2017-18: Gosford Up and Down extended refuges are provided, out of use loops at Morisset and Awaba are removed. Truncation of the line into Newcastle city is completed - the brand new Newcastle Interchange station is simulated.

Changes to the area made after 2018, such as the closure of Gosford Box and the commissioning of the Kangy Angy facility, are not simulated.

Level Crossings

Level Crossings ON and OFF selection is available as per the SimSig standard. When crossings are disabled, an additional option is provided, 'Extra Autos', designed to assist solo play. When 'Extra Autos' is turned on, additional blue Auto buttons are provided at locations where the player may be asked to set the same signals for the same routes repetitively, but auto working options were not provided to the real life signallers.

'Start with through routes set'

This option is to assist solo play. The sim will start with all 'straight through' routes set from Wyong to Broadmeadow, with Vales Point, Morisset and Fassifern interlockings switched out. It is recommended that players check that all trains have their correct routes set before unpausing. You must 'switch in' Vales Point, Morisset and Fassifern (Close/Local set to Local) in order to cancel signals controlled by them.

Train Operated Route Release (TORR)

Many newer signal boxes and panels will automatically 'normalise' (cancel) the route after the passage of a train. Ticking the 'TORR' box at sim start will apply TORR throughout the entire sim. Unticking TORR will require you to manually cancel and re-stroke the route for the next train at all signals, just as the real life signallers have to.

Wyong, Islington Junction and Newcastle Panel workstations will always TORR, as this function is provided in real life.

Dual Control 'Accept' Slots

When this option is checked at startup, a series of buttons labelled 'ACC' will appear next to certain signals in the Woodville Junction area. This slot must be given before a route can be set towards that signal.

This is designed to enforce 'dual control', where two adjacent signal boxes influence the same signal. Clicking the 'ACC' button simulates pulling the 'accepting' lever in the receiving box, which allows the signaller in rear to pull their lever.

Accepting a train may lock converging points just beyond the signal. The slot cannot be given unless these points are laying in the correct position, or free to move to the correct position. You should only pull your accepting lever if you are ready to receive the next train, else you may find yourself locked up.

The slot may be cancelled by right-clicking on the 'ACC' button. If the affected signal is showing a proceed aspect when the slot is cancelled, it will immediately return to Stop.

The slots cancel themselves after the passage of a train, except for the slot next to B282 in the old era (accepting the route from signal N101.70) - if the Broadmeadow 'up main' auto working group is enabled, this slot will not self-cancel.

If this option is not checked on startup, the slots do not appear and dual-control is not simulated - routes can be set as per normal.

In multiplayer games, it is recommended to communicate frequently with your adjacent signallers in this tight area, to ensure everybody is in sync and traffic flows as smoothly as possible.

Signalling Features

NSW Colour Light Signalling

This sim features both the NSW Double Light Colour Light (DLCL) and NSW Single Light Colour Light (SLCL) systems. The majority of regional NSW is signalled to the SLCL scheme, with the Sydney and Newcastle metropolitan areas signalled on the DLCL scheme. The border between the two systems in this sim is between Kotara and Adamstown, and then again between Islington Junction and Waratah.

Automatic signals are denoted by the upper aspect being vertically offset from the lower aspect in DLCL, or vertically offset from the red marker light in SLCL.

For more information on NSW signalling systems, please see the links in the reference section at the end of this manual.

Group Auto Buttons

Broadmeadow workstation contains numerous Group Auto buttons. Activating a Group Auto will place all main signals on that line into Auto Re-Clear mode. You do not need to have all signals set to engage Group Auto at these locations, and cancelling a route does not drop the associated group. Auto working is only valid for the 'straight' main line route at each signal.

Shunt and Close-Up Buttons

NSW interlockings never automatically select a shunt (calling-on) route between two main running signals. Clicking on a main signal and then clicking on the next main signal will always call a main route.

If you wish to set a shunt or calling-on route between two main running signals (where a shunt is provided), press the 'Shunt/CO' button in the menu bar (near the sim clock) and then set the route.

Some shunt routes require the first track circuit beyond the entrance signal to be unoccupied.

Some signals in the Broadmeadow and Islington Junction areas are equipped with a Close-Up (Low Speed) indication which must be manually selected. Use the 'Shunt/CO' button at these signals, same as setting a shunt route.

Train Describer

Apart from Islington Junction, in reality the entire area is worked without any form of train describer. Trains out of timetabled order, or any extra traffic in between passenger trains (such as freight) are 'warned on' by telephone from box to box.

In sim, a train describer system is provided for all main line and most shunt movements.

Berth 'shuttling' is provided at locations which have more than one train describer berth for the same platform. Berth shuttling is where a train's description steps from the far end berth to the near end when a signal changes from stop to proceed. For berth shuttling to work, the signal at the other end of the platform must be at Stop. If signals are set and clear in both directions, the berth will not shuttle to the other end of the platform and the train may depart without a description.

ACI is provided - When a train arrives at its final location and forms a new working, the train describer will automatically update the description to the new run. This does not work if the train divides - you must manually interpose the new descriptions for a dividing train.

Where special train describer conditions exist, such as at Newcastle station, specifics are given in that workstation's instructions below.

Workstation Overviews


Gosford Signal Box opened in March 1937, located just off the Wyong end of Platform 1. Having seen many changes over its life, Gosford works an interesting arrangement of motor operated points and signals at the north and south ends of the yard, with the remaining original large levers controlling mechanically locked equipment closer to the box. Gosford is a key location on this line, operating as a decanting and stabling location for a considerable number of intercity sets. Before the line to Newcastle was fully electrified in the 1980s, Gosford Box also oversaw diesel, electric and steam locomotive changes for many trains.

Up Car Sidings

A shunter operates hand points within the Up Car Sidings and will phone you for permission to send a train into the sim. No phone call is required to shunt a train into the sidings. There is a decant station inside the Car Sidings - trains with location Gosford UCS Decant should be routed to the Up Car Sidings. Trains may be timetabled to decant here and then re-enter the sim and stable elsewhere.

46 Class Sidings

These are very short sidings, capable of holding no more than 4 cars per road.

Movements between the Up Car Sidings and the 46 Class Sidings require operation of Frame B. Before Frame B can be released, 17 points (car sidings to main line) must lay normal. Operation of Frame B will then lock 17 in normal. To signal a train out of the Up Car Sidings towards the 46 class sidings, once all points are in the correct position, set a route from signal '6/6U' to the grey exit arrow above siding 1.

Movements between the 46 Class Sidings and Platform 1 first require you to manually operate the hand points marked '#', and then set Signal 13. Left or right click directly on the points to move them. Proceed authority is only given to the train in the siding for which the hand point has been set. Always ensure the hand points are in the correct position before signalling a train to or from the platform.

Between the Up Car Sidings and Platform 1, drivers will accept both routes - during busy periods it may be advantageous to run an empty car movement through the sidings.

Down South Siding

Also known as the Racecourse Branch, the Down South Siding has stabling room for three 8-car sets. You will receive a phone call for permission to enter. Trains routed into the Down South Siding to stable will exit the sim. Note that a short train may be timetabled to reverse in the siding, in which case it will remain on sim and change direction behind signal 11.

Down Sidings

In reality the Engine Road is not track circuited, except for a short section at no.50 points. In sim it is shown as being track circuited from signal 41 as far as the fouling point for F Frame.

Operation of Frame F is required to access the Down Sidings. Trains will reverse behind points indicator 'F2' on the Down Refuge, and require a hand signal to set back in the up direction whether towards platforms or sidings.

(Old era only) Only one of the Garratt Sidings is wired for electric traction. You must operate the hand point marked '#' in the same manner as the 46 Class Sidings.


In the 2008-2012 era, decanting at Gosford takes place within the Up Car Sidings. Trains for 'Gosford U.C.S. Decant' should be routed into the Up Car Sidings.

In 2017 era, an additional decant station is available on the back platform road (platform 3), just on the 'country side' of the platform. The position of the decant station is indicated by a letter 'D' on the sim. Trains may still decant in the Up Car Sidings, but now have the option of terminating in platform 3 and then shunting ahead to the decant position, shown in the timetable as 'Gosford Back Road Decant'. Trains cannot access the decant station from platform 2. When decanting is complete, the train will move further forward behind a shunt signal as per its timetable.


Wyong is a combined NX panel, commissioned with remodelling of the track layout in 1995.

Trains in the Down Siding remain in-sim.

Both lines between Wyong and Wyong North are bidirectional and can hold just over 1,500 metres worth of freight train for regulation purposes if needed.

Trains will exit the sim if routed into the Up Storage Siding or Up Perway Siding.

Operation of Frame B is required to move trains to and from the Perway Siding - the points are controlled from the frame, then a route must be set between the siding and P1 on the panel.


Morisset Signal Box, opened 1938, is a large lever frame operated as required by qualified station staff at Morisset station. In 1980, Morisset had an additional wall-mounted NX panel added for control of the new Vales Point balloon loop.

Vales Point and Morisset interlockings are normally 'switched out' - signals operate automatically for the main lines. You are only required to 'switch in' these locations when a train needs to perform an activity there. Switch a location in by clicking the LOCAL button. This will place all points and signals under your control. To switch a location out again, all straight 'through' main routes must be set, then click the CLOSE button. You cannot operate any signals while the interlocking is switched out - the controls will not respond.

Trains remain in-sim when on Vales Point balloon loop. When the train has finished unloading it will move up to signal V3 and the driver will call you, unless V3 is already at proceed when they get there. Track speed inside Vales Point loop is 10kph. When departing the loop, be mindful that the rear of the train will still be on 10kph track - it takes a long time to clear onto the main line.


As with Morisset, Fassifern signal box is operated as required by qualified station staff. Fassifern is a entrance-exit (NX) pushbutton panel installed inside the station building in 2003. Prior to the NX panel, the area was operated with a large-lever frame dating back to 1913.

Signals in the Fassifern area cannot be operated if the interlocking is 'switched out' (Close/Local set to CLOSE).

Fassifern cannot switch out unless all main 'through' routes are set, and no signals in the colliery area are set.

Newstan Colliery is a balloon loop. Inbound coal trains for Newstan must be routed via the 'ARR' Arrival end of the loop, and trains stay in-sim while on the loop. Arrows are provided to show the required direction of flow around the balloon loop.

Drivers stopped at Newstan Colliery loading point will request permission to approach signal FN14, to ensure there is no opposing movement in progress. Trains that do not stop in the balloon loop will not request permission and will complete a full lap of the loop.

Some trains will enter Newstan Colliery and detach locomotives for fuelling or loco change purposes. The fuelling point is on the North Fork between signals NW16 and NF88.7. Once fuelling is complete, route the locos back onto the front of the train via 'DEP'. Routes to the 'DEP' Departure end should only ever be used to shunt onto the front of a train already in the loop. No phone calls are required at Newstan. In reality there is no signalled route into the Departure road, but this has been provided in sim to simplify shunting.

Some trains may be timetabled to receive assistance in the rear before departing Newstan Colliery, due to the steep ascending grade between Fassifern and Booragul. Bank locos will usually detach again at Broadmeadow.


Broadmeadow Signal Box, commissioned 1983, sports a large 'split' NX panel which controls a large portion of the sim. Broadmeadow also once housed train control functions for the NSW North Coast Line until that territory was taken over by ARTC in 2007. Newcastle Panel (2017 era) is located within Broadmeadow box.


Eraring Power Station is a privately owned balloon loop, with track speed in the loop limited to 10kph. Trains stay in-sim while on the loop. Trains which have finished unloading will call you once they reach signal E3 and report that they have departed the power station, unless E3 is already at proceed when they get there. As with Vales Point, the rear of the train will still be in 10kph territory for a short time while the train is departing.


Formerly the lead to a branch line, Awaba Back Road is only used for track machine storage. Trains routed to the Back Road will exit the sim.

Awaba Down Refuge was removed in 2011, and no trains in the official supplied timetables are booked to use it.

Teralba Colliery

Trains which have finished loading will move up to signal SJ105 and phone you advising they are ready to depart.

For 'group auto' purposes, signals protecting Teralba Colliery junction are in the Sulphide Junction group.

Sulphide Junction

A phone call is required before routing a train into Cardiff Workshops. The workshops will phone you for permission to enter a train. A hand point marked '#' is located at the entrance to the workshops, which must be set correctly before a train will enter. You will need to manually interpose the train's description when departing the Workshops.

Trains exiting the workshops may reverse in the Down Siding if they need to head towards Broadmeadow. There is no signal for this movement. You must operate the hand point marked '#' (by left or right clicking directly on the points), and then give a verbal proceed authority to the driver when they request it via telephone. Always ensure the hand points are set correctly.


When Level Crossings are ON, operating the the Broadmeadow group auto buttons will not place signals 201, 203, 207, 211 and 222 into auto re-clear, as per real life. When Level Crossings are OFF, auto working is available on all up and down signals, with the exception of B211 at Adamstown.

When the Broadmeadow 'Up' auto working group is enabled, in the old era and when dual control is enabled, the slot for route N101.70 to B282 will also place itself into auto mode.

Broadmeadow Platform 1 is fully bidirectional. Before station upgrade works were completed circa 2016, regional passenger trains were usually booked to use Platform 1 in both directions to better allow for luggage handling.

Trains remain in-sim on the Up and Down Through Roads.

Except for interactions with the Endeavour Service Centre outlined below, no phonecalls are required to send a train into the Broadmeadow Yard complex. You will receive a phonecall when a departing train is ready to enter the sim.

Broadmeadow E.S.C.

The way you interact with Broadmeadow Endeavour Service Centre changes between the eras.

In 2010-12 era: A phone call is required before sending a train into ESC. You need to phone the shunter, and they will tell you whether they want the train in the Arrival, Departure, or No.1 Railcar roads. Only trains with timetable location 'Broadmeadow ESC' need a phonecall - there are other sidings in the complex and the shunter is not aware of those movements.

In 2018, no phonecall is required. Routes into the Arrival and Departure roads are permanently booked out of use, although trains may still enter the sim via the Departure road at signal 237. All trains timetabled with final location 'Broadmeadow ESC' should be routed towards No.1 Railcar Siding.

For departing trains across both eras, you will receive a phonecall from the shunter which will state the train's entry point. Accepting the train from this phonecall is considered authority for the driver to pass all relevant stop boards within the complex, and the train will proceed up to the first signal under your control.

WOODVILLE JUNCTION (2008-2012 era only)

Woodville Junction was a large-lever frame opened as 'Donald Street Crossing' in 1937, renamed in 1938.

The line towards Islington Junction and beyond is not wired for electric traction.

Woodville Junction signal box closed in 2016.

HAMILTON JUNCTION (2008-2012 era only)

Hamilton Junction was a large-lever frame responsible for the flat junction at Hamilton, and operation of the busy Beaumont Street level crossing, since 1898. Hamilton was once a much busier location with multiple lines and sidings, the current track layout being the product of several 'rationalisations'.

Trains standing at junction signal 'NH 102.22' will not clear Beaumont Street in the rear unless the train is exceptionally short.

Hamilton Junction box is also responsible for protection at 3am on a Saturday morning when the two pubs on each side of the road empty out, and everyone decides to have a punch-on in the middle of the street. Unfortunately this is not simulated.

The line between Newcastle and Maitland was built before the connection from Sydney was completed. As such, Up becomes Down and vice versa between Hamilton and Woodville Junction.

Hamilton Junction signal box closed in 2016.


The Islington Junction workstation is in fact a small portion of the Port Waratah train control board, located within ARTC's Network Control Centre North (NCCN). It has been provided in this sim to give players improved control over regulation of Hunter Valley traffic.

Route stacking is provided for Islington Junction workstation only, true to the Phoenix control system in use at NCCN. You may 'stack' one route per signal at a time, and the sim will attempt to set it once the route becomes available. The sim will generally attempt to set routes in the order they are stacked. A stacked route is represented by a yellow route line, and a flashing green triangle above the signal. Shunt routes cannot be stacked.

When a train is booked to enter at Port Waratah or the Goninans facility, you will receive a phonecall requesting permission for the train to enter. No phonecalls are required to send trains into Goninans or Port Waratah.

WICKHAM (2008-2012 era only)

You are responsible for Railway Street and Stewart Avenue level crossings. Enjoy.

NEWCASTLE SIGNAL BOX (2008-2012 era only)

Newcastle was a mechanically-locked 'Westinghouse B' miniature lever frame, opened in February 1936.

Due in part to the mechanical locking, not all logical routes are available. Generally speaking, there is only one 'main' route to and from each platform, but additional routes are available if shunt signals are used.

To route a train into an occupied platform, use the Shunt/CO button next to the sim clock before setting the route, or, set individual shunt routes one at a time. For movements towards Newcastle platforms, most signals will not clear until a complete path is set into the destination platform.

Train describer berths are not provided at shunting signals in the station throat. The train describer will only 'step' if a complete path is set from platform to siding, or from platform to signal 'N 104.05', and vice versa, at the time the train passes the first signal in the path.

NEWCASTLE PANEL (2017 era only)

Newcastle Panel is a small combined NX panel located inside Broadmeadow signal box, commissioned in 2017. The line to the old Newcastle station has since been closed and truncated, with the new Newcastle Interchange station operational. Newcastle Panel controls the Woodville Junction, Hamilton and Newcastle Interchange areas.

In multiplayer, Newcastle Panel is divided into two workstations - Woodville and Hamilton, due to a SimSig code limitation. The Newcastle Panel player should take control of both Woodville and Hamilton 'workstations'.

Trains standing at junction signal NH16 will not clear Beaumont Street in the rear unless the train is exceptionally short.

At Newcastle Interchange, shunt signal NE26 is automatically set if signal NE20 clears while the track circuit between NE26 and NE20 is unoccupied.

Blue arrows in the Interchange station throat are 'via' buttons, used to select an alternative route between the same two signals, where available.

To route a train into an occupied platform. press the 'Shunt/CO' button next to the sim clock, then set the route as normal. You will get a shunt indication into the platform. The platform does not need to be occupied for this to work.

Additional operational notes

Each note here is added for realism only. There is no requirement to follow the below, nor any penalty for failing to do so.

- A handful of trains in each supplied official timetable will contain the note 'Operate under Manual Block Working procedures'. In reality, these trains are track machines or similar vehicles which cannot be relied upon to operate track circuits. If you wish, you may follow block working procedures as outlined in the Network Rules and Procedures (linked in the reference section). In sim, trains always operate track circuits and there is no penalty for deciding not to block work these movements.

- Loaded 120-ton coal wagons are not permitted to use the Up and Down Through Road at Broadmeadow, nor any siding or refuge at Sulphide Junction. 120T wagons are found regularly on Vales Point, Eraring, Newstan and Teralba coal traffic. The restriction only applies when the wagons are loaded.

- Fassifern station is only attended morning and afternoon. Staff arrange overtime to be on duty when Newstan working is scheduled. Sending a Newstan-bound train early, at night, is risky, as it is likely there is nobody there to operate the panel.

- Vales Point, Eraring and Newstan are privately owned track and are not to be used for any other reason than for booked traffic.

- 7-car XPT trains must have both motors operational before attempting to climb Cowan Bank (just off-sim near Hawkesbury River). If a 7-car Sydney-bound XPT is running with a loss of power, it is terminated at Wyong or Gosford, passengers and luggage transferred to other trains, and is shunted clear of the main line until the fault can be rectified or assistance arrives. XPTs in this area can be identified with the train describer format NT3x.


The main line between Sydney and Newcastle is fully electrified using 1500V overhead wire. The Hunter Valley main line is not electrified, nor are many freight-only loops and sidings.

Additionally, the crossovers at Vales Point and Eraring are not wired.

Toggle the 'Electrification' button above Broadmeadow station. Pink lines represent the electrification boundary.

Loop, siding and platform lengths

All relevant loop and siding lengths are given in-sim next to the loop name.

Platform lengths in the area are quite varied from the shortest (Wondabyne, rear door of rear car) to longest (Broadmeadow P1, 437m between B262 and B271). For gameplay, all platforms at controlled locations will accomodate one eight-car passenger train within the track circuit, EXCEPT at the following locations:

- Adamstown (4 cars) - Down trains booked to stop at Adamstown longer than 4 cars require signal B211 off, these trains stop with the rear four cars on the platform, fouling St James Road while conducting station duties.

- Hamilton (6 cars) - Newcastle-bound services longer than 6 cars require signal N102.34 (old era) or HN23 (new era) off in order to draw past it and stop for station duties.

Version History

Version History


Double Light Colour Light signalling information

RailSafe website (NSW rules and procedures)

Train Operating Conditions Manual, General Instructions

Cab ride, Sydney Terminal to Newcastle

Signal Number Plan

Last edited by flabberdacks on 16/07/2024 at 03:36