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Table of Contents

Official Files
Start-Up Options
Other Options
Automatic working
Electro-pneumatic points
"Lamp or controls"
Approach locking
Last wheel replacement
Non-disengaging signals
Double-blocking shunt signals
Workstation Notes
Euston workstation
Camden workstation
Timetable Notes
Summer 2003
Multiplayer & Chaining
Hot Keys
Reference Section
Signal Number Plan
Signal Box Prefix Codes
Platform, Loop & Siding Lengths
Timetabling Details
Splash Screens
Additional Information
Route data
Version History


Official Files

Title Version Released
Simulation (Donationware) 2.3 23/06/2022
Summer 2003 WTT (03:00 start included) 2.1 22/06/2022

Additional user-written timetables are available to download here Link to simulation's TT download page .


Euston PSB was commissioned in 1965 and abolished around 1999. It covered the relatively short section at the southern end of the WCML, from Euston station to Primrose Hill tunnels and part of the link to the North London Line ("NLL"); about one and a half miles in total. Despite this it was a busy box: though there were only two workstations, it required three staff to be present who moved around on a rota (this was introduced after some signallers suffered work-related stress, including waking up in the middle of the night working the panel on their bedroom wall).

The main part of the controlled area saw passenger and parcels trains, plus a large amount of carriage and loco working until the introduction of push-pull trains. The link to the North London Line mostly saw goods traffic to and from the Eastern Region, though there were some DC services between Watford Junction and Broad Street before the latter closed.

When the PSB closed the area was re-controlled to Willesden PSB, then completely rearranged a few years later. The remodelled layout at Euston forms part of the Wembley Main Line simulation.

Start-Up Options



The normal scenario has no closures or other problems.

Camden Jn slow lines

Park Street fast lines

These two scenarios close some of the four main tracks into Euston, though at different locations. As a result traffic has to be funnelled into the remaining tracks.

Park street diveunder

The two tracks connecting the east side of Euston with Camden Carriage Sidings are closed, making it a lot harder to move empty stock around. In some eras these tracks are also used as an extra departure line from the east side.

Backing out roads

One or two of the four "backing out roads" are closed, leaving less space to store trains and locos being moved between platforms.

Throat points

Platform closure

Problems in the platforms or station throat requiring careful replatforming and rerouting of trains to avoid conflicts.


If you really want to show your mettle, try a random scenario or even two or three of them together.


The simulation covers three major stages in the life of Euston PSB.

Feature 1960s 1980s 1990s
Platforms 15 15 18
Parcels depot Present Present Absent
DC platforms 8 to 10 9 and 10 9 and 10
DC type 4th rail 3rd rail 3rd rail
Down diveunder line Empty Carriage Departure Departure
Primrose Hill layout Full Simplified Simplified
NLL fringe Hampstead Rd Jn Camden Rd Jn Camden Rd Jn
New Lines signals Special Special Standard
New Lines speeds Standard Differential Differential
Set back signals Missing Present Present

Other Options

Additional train describer berths: normally the simulation only shows those TD berths that existed on the real panel. This option provides additional berths to make it easier to handle shunting moves.

Train operated route release: TORR postdates Euston and was never fitted, but the beginner may find it useful.

Show all overlaps: unusually, not all overlaps were displayed on the panel. Rather, only those that were important for the signaller to notice would light up; in some cases, this meant that only part of the overlap was displayed. Selecting this option causes all overlaps to light up in the way done in most UK systems.

Show South Hampstead signals: shows some signals and track circuits on the New Lines that were not displayed on the real panel. This has no effect in the 1990s era.

Scale of problems: allows a choice in the amount of delays and failures that occur. "None" and "Easy" are classed as "easy" modes and yards and sheds will interpose train descriptions automatically. The other choices are "hard" modes where these descriptions must be interposed by the signaller. "Easy" and "Low" are otherwise identical.



Almost the entire area is electrified on the AC system; the only exceptions are the New Lines and the Back Road at Primrose Hill.

The New Lines were initially electrified on the LU four rail DC system to allow interworking with the Bakerloo Line, but this later changed to the BR standard third rail DC system (for ease in writing timetables, the fourth-rail eras will accept third-rail rolling stock as well). To allow trains to reach Euston and the NLL, dual electrification (AC and DC) was installed along the two Slow lines into Euston and the connecting lines to the NLL. At Euston two or three platforms were also dual-fitted.

Only part of Camden Yard was AC electrified, but these include the approach sections that are simulated.

Automatic working

Surprisingly for such a busy area, there were no facilities for signals to be worked automatically and even those on plain track had to be worked by the signallers (with no TORR, meaning each route had to be cancelled after each train). There are only four automatic signals in the area controlled by Euston, two of which have "R" replacement buttons.

Electro-pneumatic points

Many of the points, particularly in the station throat, are electro-pneumatic and move very quickly. This aids in setting up routes, but …

"Lamp or controls"

All running signals at Euston have "lamp or controls": if a route is set to an unlit signal, the signal at the start of the route will clear to yellow if the unlit signal is able to clear. This is transitive, so several unlit signals in sequence can be preceded by a yellow signal (it was claimed that the platform signals at Euston could show yellow with every signal from there to Manchester unlit).

Approach locking

Euston has timed, not "comprehensive", approach locking. Once a signal has cleared, there is a timeout if the route is cancelled even if no train is affected.

Last wheel replacement

Many signals have last wheel replacement to allow propelling moves (i.e. with the driver at the back in communication with somebody looking out at the front). In particular, these include the original platform starting signals, all Up signals reading to the platforms, all shunt signals except those that are non-disengaging, and running Down signals as far as the Camden South Junction area.

Non-disengaging signals

Several shunt signals, mostly in the Down Carriage Sidings area, are "non-disengaging". That is, once it has cleared, the signal will stay off until the route is explicitly cancelled. This was done to allow shunting work without requiring signaller attention.

Double-blocking shunt signals

Some shunt signals will not clear until the signal in advance has cleared. However, this is latching, so cancelling the route for the signal in advance will not put the original signal back to danger.


The general speed limit over most of the line is 20mph in the station throat, 40mph on the lines south of Camden Junction, increasing to 75mph on the Slow and 80mph on the Fast lines. Most of the NLL link is 15mph. The Up Empty Carriage Line is 30mph, while the Up Engine Lines and the Down Empty Carriage Line (or Down Departure Line) are all 20mph. Access to the Down Carriage Shed is limited to 5mph, while the Up Carriage Shed and Camden Carriage Sidings are 15mph.

The New Lines vary between 30mph and 60mph. Differential speed limits are in effect in later eras: all trains that do not have either "Metro" or "Tripcock" train classes set will be limited to 25mph (passenger) or 15mph (freight). Other speed classes will be ignored.

Workstation Notes

There are two workstations - Euston and Camden - though the boundaries are not hard and fast and if one was quiet the signaller would help their colleague on the other. A nominal boundary between them is defined by the simulation.

Signal numbers can be displayed for each workstation using the "SIG#" button under the duty berth for that workstation.

The "up" end of the layout is at the left side of the screen. Up is roughly southwards from Camden Junction to Euston and eastwards from Willesden Junction via Camden Junction to Camden Road Junction.

Euston workstation

Starting at the left hand end, we have Euston station itself. This has either 15 or 18 main platforms; if it has only 15, then there is also the Parcels Dock. The Parcels Dock slot gives permission for a train to be signalled into the dock, while the dock shunter will phone for permission to send a train out and no slot is involved. Apart from these two situations, points 325 are locked in the normal position and to move them requires the separate release to be granted. Only one of the two (slot or release) can be active at a time.

Moving to the right, the layout divides into four separate sections. From top to bottom, these are:

- The backing-out roads, numbers 1 to 4. At the far end these connect to the shunt necks, a siding, and the Down Carriage Shed, of which more later.

- Up Engine Line 1.

- The four main lines, consisting of two slow lines (in the centre) and two fast lines (on the outside).

- The diveunder roads - Up Engine Line 2 and Down Empty Carriage Line or Down Departure Line, depending on the era. These start on the Up side of the layout but dive under the main lines to the Down side, where they meet the Up Engine Line 1. Note that right-hand running is in use on the diveunder roads. In earlier eras the Down diveunder line was used for bringing empty stock out of the low-numbered platforms and into the carriage sheds, so is not signalled for passenger use. In later eras the signalling was upgraded and the line became the Down Departure. The Up Carriage shed is also here. The "siding clear" lamp is lit if there is room for a 120m train in the shed.

Between the station and these four sets of lines lies the throat, a complex mess of pointwork. You will notice 13 blue buttons in this area, labelled A to N. These are "via" buttons - they are used to indicate which of several alternative routes are to be taken; to use them, click on the entrance signal, then the via buttons, then the exit signal. What is unusual about their use in Euston is two-fold: if a button lies on the route, it must be used, and even though there may be many potential routes between two signals, only a relatively small number of them are available. A complete list of the routes available is given at the end of this page.

The shunt signals in the throat are intended for movements between platforms. Therefore there are no routes from the main lines to these signals.

Also in the throat is the train running away alarm. If a train passes signals 1 to 15, 16 (only in eras with the extra platforms), 64, or 65 at danger then all these signals will be held at danger. The alarm will flash red until acknowledged (with a left click), when it will change to a steady red. The signals will stay red until you phone the technician to reset the alarm (in reality, the signaller would break a seal on a reset button). When the offending train has been removed from the area, the alarm will flash white to indicate it needs restoring to the normal state with a right click.

At the right hand end of the backing out roads is the Down Carriage Shed. This consists of 11 roads reached via two different entrance lines. A slot is required to send a train into the shed from signal 81 on the Up Engine Line 1; if sending it into roads 1-9, you must select which of the two routes you are going to use to get it there. Furthermore, you must set the route from the last shunt signal (69 or 71) into the shed before setting the route up to that shunt signal. The slot is not required to send a train into the sheds from the various shunting necks. The latter also have opposing locking omitted, so it is possible to set up routes in both directions at the same time and let trains just shuttle back and forth.

Camden workstation

North of Park Street Tunnels are Camden South Junction and the Camden Carriage Sidings. This is also the area where the Up Empty Carriage Line (also known as the "Rat Hole") emerges. This line is not authorized for passenger working in normal circumstances, though passenger moves along it have been known.

In the 1970s additional signals were installed (but not displayed on the panel) for trains being propelled (i.e. with the driver at the rear) from Camden Carriage sidings to signal 36, the Backing Out Roads, or the Down Carriage Shed. These illuminated automatically when the relevant route was set up (normally done from the station end). Pulling the button labelled "Set back signals emergency replacement" will immediately cancel the entire route. The button will flash red until pushed again.

In the Camden Junction area the running lines rearrange themselves from four lines paired by direction into six lines paired by use; this is the start of the separate DC or "New" lines.

Special signalling applies on the Up Slow and Up New Lines at Camden Junction. The overlap ahead of signals 146 and 147 is not selected automatically; instead you must select it manually. This can be done in either of two ways:

- When setting a route up to these signals, click on the appropriate overlap arrow after the exit signal. So to set a route from 149 to 146 with an overlap towards Primrose Hill, click on 149, 146, and then the arrow on the Primrose Hill route, in that order. Note that both signals' cursors will flash until you select the overlap.

- The overlap can be swung by clicking the exit signal and then the overlap arrow (e.g. the above overlap can be swung towards Euston by clicking on 146 and then the arrow on the other route).

Setting a route from 146 or 147 will automatically swing the overlap if necessary.

The link from the North London Line to Camden Junction via Primrose Hill is also handled by Camden workstation. This layout was drastically simplified at some point; both versions are available in appropriate eras. The link joins the NLL at Camden Road Junction; originally the fringe box was Hampstead Road Junction, but this was abolished as part of the simplification.

With the original layout, a slot for trains from Hampstead Road Junction towards Primrose Hill is granted by clicking on the green button labelled 114 and then on signal 126. The slot is not explicitly requested; signallers must keep an eye out for trains approaching. With the simplified layout no slot is required.

New Lines signalling

Until 1989, the New Lines used a non-standard signalling system until 1989. This system is described more fully on Clive's web site , but a brief description is given here.

Stop signals have a red marker light below the main head. Repeater signals have a red marker light below and to the left of the main head. In both cases the marker light is only lit when the main signal is red. Stop signals are two aspect when followed by a repeater and three aspect when followed by another stop signal (four aspect signals were not used in the Euston area, though there were a few elsewhere). Repeaters are three-aspect, though trains normally don't approach them at red.

If a train is held at a red stop signal, other than 147 or 148, for about a minute, the marker light will be replaced by a small yellow light. This gives the train authority to proceed into the section ahead, which may be occupied. The train describer does not track trains passing signals in this way. If the train comes to a repeater signal at red, it waits a further minute and then proceeds in the same way. This means that after a failure you can end up with several trains queued buffer-to-buffer at a signal.

Signal 147 has two heads; only the head applicable to the route set ahead of it will clear. Signal 148 has "direction lights". If signal 147 has cleared, signal 148 will show green in the main head and yellow in the direction light opposite to the one for the route set from 147; thus the left-hand yellow light comes on if the right-hand route is set. This gives the same visual effect as a splitting distant.

Camden Yard

Camden Yard lies in the V between the main route from Euston and NLL link. It can be accessed from three places: Camden South Junction, Camden Junction, and (in some eras only) Primrose Hill. In real life Camden Yard was controlled by its own signal box but, rather than simulate the entire yard, the three sections that control the three accesses from Euston are treated as separate ground frames.

Camden Yard east (Up Fast) exit

The panel release is labelled 603; right clicking on the white (normal) button will pop up the lever frame. Signalling a train in just requires the crossover to be reversed and CY45 to be cleared. To signal a train out the crossover must be reversed and CY43 cleared, but the latter also requires a slot from Euston. This is granted by pressing the green button on the track labelled 125 and then clicking on signal 116, just like setting a route; the green button does not flash during the process but lights up to show the slot is granted. The slot is persistent and is cancelled by right-clicking the green button. The slot can only be granted if the line is clear to the end of 116's overlap (it can be done before the release is given) and cannot be cancelled while lever CY43 is reversed.

Camden Yard NLL exit

The panel release is labelled 604; right clicking on the white (normal) button will pop up the lever frame. Signalling a train in requires Euston to request a slot, which is granted using lever CY33. Once the crossover is reversed Euston can set a route from 131 into the yard. To signal a train out the crossover must be reversed and CY34 cleared, but the latter also requires a slot from Euston. This is granted by pressing the green button on the track labelled SLOT 119 and then clicking on signal 143 or SH7, just like setting a route; the green button does not flash during the process but lights up to show the slot is granted. The slot is persistent and is cancelled by right-clicking the green button. The slot can only be granted if the line is clear to the next signal (it can be done before the release is given) and cannot be cancelled while lever CY34 is reversed.

Camden Yard west (Slow lines) exit

There is no panel release at this end; right-clicking the unlabelled green roundel to the right of 604 release will pop up the lever frame and diagram. Trains can enter from 145 up to CY10 or from 146 up to CY5 or CY8; points CY3 must be set according to the track chosen. Each route in requires a slot to be granted by the frame and, from 146, for points 398 to be unlocked using lever 1. Once the train is under yard control it needs to be signalled into the main yard via either of the two lines. For departures trains appear on 277 and the frame routes them up to signal 142, after which Euston signals them out in the normal way.

Fringe working

The usual codes (BLOK, SHUT, POSS, *T1*, *T2*, and *T3*) may be used to signal blockages to Camden Road Junction, South Hampstead, and Willesden. They are inserted in the berths for

signal 212 for the Up Fast,

signal 213 for the Up Slow,

signal 148 for the Up New Lines, and

signal 126 for the Down NLL.

Trains on the Up Fast will be switched to the Up Slow. Those on the Up Slow will be sent to the Up Fast or Up New Lines depending on power source and destination, or held if neither of these lines is suitable. Camden Road Junction and South Hampstead will hold trains when BLOK is indicated and cancel or turn them round in all other cases.

Timetable Notes

Summer 2003

The supplied timetable is based on the workings of Summer 2003. Despite this, it should work in all eras, though this means some trains have been replatformed and some other minor changes have been applied. It runs from 03:00 to 04:00 the following day (shown as 28:00), though the last timetabled move ends at 27:07.

  • Virgin Trains run services in and out of Euston. These are mostly Pendolinos that do not fit in all the platforms.
  • Silverlink (now London Midland and London Overground) run services in and out of Euston using both AC and dual-voltage EMUs (for the Watford Junction service that uses the New Lines). There is some joining and splitting at Euston, and some ECS workings to the various sidings and sheds.
  • Scotrail run the sleeper services that arrive in the morning rush-hour and depart late evening. These are very long (16 coaches plus loco) and only fit in a few platforms.
  • There are some freight services, mostly running to and from the North London Line.

Standard BR headcodes are used. Given the layout, the only important cases to note are:

Route letter Notes
C Used for up DC trains as well as down trains to Lancaster and Carlisle
D Used for down DC trains as well as down trains to Holyhead
E To Eastern Region; up trains almost certainly runs to the North London Line
L To Anglia Region; ditto

Multiplayer & Chaining

This simulation can be played by one person.

The simulation chains at the following locations:

Simulation Location
Wembley Suburban New Lines

The signalling over the New Lines changed in 1989 and so the chaining arrangement for the 1960s and 1980s eras is a compromise (but each simulation should appear sensible).

At Camden Road Junction facilities have been included to chain to a future release of the North London Line simulation.

Hot Keys

In addition to the standard shortcut keys , the following are available:

Key Panel Area
E Euston station
M Mid-way (Park Street tunnels)
C Camden Junction
W Lines to Willesden

The digits 1 to 8 form a sequence from Euston (1) to Willesden (8).


Simulation and Summer 2003 timetable by: Clive D.W. Feather

Reference Section

Signal Number Plan

Signal Box Prefix Codes

Code Box
CY Camden Yard
EN Euston
SH South Hampstead
WN Willesden

Platform, Loop & Siding Lengths

Platform Lengths

Euston platform Length (m)
1 400
2 340
3 370
4 320
5 270
6 270
7 310
8 260
9 200
10 200
11 260
12 300
13 310
14 335
15 460
16 365
17 275
18 165
Siding A 56
Siding B 255
Siding C 325
Siding D 44

Yard capacities

Depot or yard Capacity Maximum length
Parcels dock 1505 360
Up Carriage Shed 740 240
Down Carriage Shed 1-9 2220 260
Down Carriage Shed 10-11 298 240
Camden Carriage Sidings 2140 (1960s) Up end: 343
1980 (1980s/90s) Down end: 260
Camden Yard no limit no limit
Back Road 500 200

Siding Lengths

Location Siding Length (m)
Up Carriage Shed neck 79
Backing Out Roads 1 200
2 240
3 260
4 260
Down Carriage Shed necks #1 170
#2 160
siding 90
Down Through Siding 113 to 122 182
112 to 122 282
113 to 129 280
112 to 129 380

100 metres of each backing out road is south of the mid-point signal.

Timetabling Details

Special Decisions

Decision Meaning
EXT!XWS WembleySub chained
NSC!N1960 1960s era
NSC!N1980 1980s era
NSC!N1990 1990s era
NSC!NPARCELS Eras providing the parcels depot
NSC!NHIGHPLATS Eras providing platforms 16 to 18
NSC!NNORMAL Normal scenario
NSC!NCJSLOW Camden Jn slow lines scenario
NSC!NPKFAST Park Street fast lines scenario; either line blocked
NSC!NPKFD Park Street fast lines scenario; down line blocked
NSC!NPKFU Park Street fast lines scenario; up line blocked
NSC!NDIVEU Park Street diveunder scenario
NSC!NBORS Backing Out Roads scenario
NSC!NBORS1 to NSC!NBORS4 Backing Out Roads scenario; specific road closed
NSC!NTHROAT Throat points scenario
NSC!NTHROAT302 etc. Throat points scenario, points 302 failed (failable points are 302, 303, 305, 307, 308, 309, 310, 312, 313, 314, 315, 317, 318, 319, 320, 327, 328, 329, 335, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 353, 412, 413, 414, 415, and 416)
NSC!NPLATS Platform closure scenario
NSC!NPLAT01 to NSC!NPLAT18 Platform closure scenario; specific platform closed
NSC!NCOMBO Combination scenario; the individual scenarios are also testable
NSC!NONE No problems
NSC!NEASY Easy difficulty level
NSC!NLOW Low difficulty level
NSC!NMEDIUM Medium difficulty level
NSC!NHIGH High difficulty level


TIPLOC Entry code Location
EUSTON Euston: all platforms.
EN16 EPCLD Parcels Dock.
EN27 Euston S27.
EN2126 Euston S21-26 (rev.).
EN2847 Euston S28-47 (rev.).
EN4951 Euston throat: signals 45, 49, 51, 52, and the limits of shunt on the Up Fast and Up Slow.
EUSTNHS Up Carriage Shed neck.
EUSTUCS EUCS Up Carriage Shed.
EUSTBOR Backing Out Roads.
EUSTRES EDCS1 (1-9) Down Carriage Shed.
EDCS2 (10-11)
EUSTDCN Down Carriage Shed shunt neck.
EN89 Signal 89 (reverse).
EN9192 Park Street Tunnels: signals 91, 92, 94, and 105.
CMDNSTH Camden South Junction: all lines including the "Rat Hole".
CMDNCSD ECCSU (Up end) Camden Carriage Sidings: both ends.
ECCSD (Down end)
CMDN113 Camden Down Through Siding: signals 113 and 122.
CMDN134 Camden north end: Down Fast behind signal 134.
CMDNYE Camden Yard entrance: CY5/8/10; only needed if timetabling these locations separately from actually going into the yard.
EN142 ECYU (to Up Fast) Camden Yard: trains actually going into the yard.
ECYD (to Down Slow)
ECYN (Primrose Hill)
CMDNRDJ ENLL Camden Road Junction.
HRJ ENLL Hampstead Road Junction.
PRIMRSH Primrose Hill.
EN128 EBACK Back Road: » EBACK
CBACK Back Road neck.
EN131 Down NLL (signal 131).
CMDNJN Camden Junction: all lines.
CMDN146 Camden Junction (rev.): Down Slow behind signal 145, for reversing moves into Camden Yard.
SHMPSTD South Hampstead: New Lines.
KLBRNHR ENL Kilburn High Road: New Lines.
WLSDWLJ EFAST (Up Fast) Willesden WLL Junction: Fast and Slow Lines.
ESLOW (Up Slow)

The timetable locations "Camden Road Junction" and "Hampstead Road Junction" are equivalent; both are provided to allow timetables to appear more realistic.

Splash Screens

splash01.jpg Euston throat seen on the original panel, still preserved at Willesden PSB Peter Bennet
splash02.jpg Close up of part of the throat Peter Bennet
splash03.jpg Close up of the entrance to the Down Carriage Sidings Peter Bennet
splash04.jpg Photo of the panel in use Graham Floyd
splash05.jpg View north from the parcels deck Graham Floyd
splash06.jpg Inside the Down Carriage Shed beside road 11 Graham Floyd
splash07.jpg Looking towards the station from points 312B; the lid of points 309C is in the foreground Graham Floyd

Additional Information

Route tables for signallers

The original instructions for Euston PSB

Yard shunts

A 'yard' shunt is where a signaller was requested to set sufficient route for a shunt to come out on to the controlled lines then go straight back again, purely to go from one 'yard' siding to another. These occurred at Camden CS south end (very frequently), north end (rare), and the Parcel Dock (frequently), and was requested by exit signal number (108, 121, or 16, respectively); those from 16 were requested as either a 'short shunt' up to signal 27 or as a 'long shunt' to the north end of one of the Backing Out Roads. (Allegedly for the last of these two more than one shunt was allowed per request, with the signals staying off until manually cancelled.)

These shunts did not occur to any schedule known to the signallers. In principle it would be possible to write a timetable that had such shunts in and rely on the player to deduce whether it was a short or long shunt. It's not currently possible to have specific phone calls for this purpose.

Route data

The following routes are available in the station throat.

Departing trains

From platform to BOR 4 to BOR 3 to BORs 1/2 to DF to DS to US to UF to DECL/DDL to UCS
1 L L L
2 and 3 J J J J/L L L
9 and 10 BG B/H B/E/H K KM KM
12 C C C/G
13 and 14 C C C
16-18 / Parcels dock

Shunting moves

To 21 To 22 To 23 To 24 To 25 To 26
From 28 G
From 29 G
From 31 H
From 46 K J
From 47 MK J L

Arriving trains

To platform BOR 4 BOR 3 BORs 1/2 UEL1 US UF UEL2 UCS 21 22 23 24
1 L L L
2 and 3 J J/L J/L L
9 and 10 GB GB B/E/K NB/NK/MK MK MK B B/E
12 C C C/G C/G N C
13 and 14 C C C C N C
15 N
16-18 / parcels dock N

A/BC indicates that there are two routes, one using just "via" button A and the other using both buttons B and C. Buttons are given in route order.

† indicates that no "via" buttons are used; a blank space indicates no route is available.

Version History

Version History

Last edited by clive on 25/09/2022 at 19:32