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Spalding Bi-Di
自排进路(ARS)与TORR(Train Operated Route Release,列车通过后自动解除进路)




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模拟器本体(免费,可捐款支持) 05/07/2021
彼州 2003年 夏季 1.0 22/03/2018
彼州 2009-10-15时刻表(包含午夜/0445开始) 5.1 19/07/2021


原名 译名 其他译名或注解(更正式,不好听)
Alexandra Palace 人民宫 亚历山德拉宫,地名出自平民所造的宫殿
Ardingly 安定里 阿尔丁利
Balcombe 巴空 巴尔科姆,古意可能是“矿场营地“
Baldock 巴格多克 地名出自巴格达
Belle Isle 贝莱岛
Biggleswade 比格斯津 比格斯韦德
Bounds Green 磅林 邦德格林
Bowes Park 博威公园
Brighton 布莱顿
Burgess Hill 布家岭 布尔格斯岭
Camden Road 卡姆登路
Cooksbridge 烹桥 库克斯布里奇
Dalston 道尔斯顿
Digswell 挖井
Drayton Park 德雷顿公园
Falmer 法默尔
Finsbury Park 芬斯伯里公园 真的有公园
Gatwick 格域 盖特威克
Gordon Hill 歌顿山
Harringay 哈林盖
Hassocks 哈索克 哈索克斯
Hatfield 帽原 哈特菲尔德
Haywards Heath 海华西斯 古意可能是“围墙旁的荒野”
Hertford 赫德福特
Hitchin 希钦
Holloway 何乐沟 霍洛威,地名出自古代牧牛常常经过,导致路比两侧低
Hornsey 合恩赛
Hove 和芙
Keymer 基玛 基梅尔
Kings Cross 国王十字
Kebworth 奈伯沃斯
Lancing 兰辛
Langley 兰利
Letchworth 莱奇沃斯 英国第一个田园城市
Lewes 刘易斯
Lovers Walk 恋径 拉夫尔斯沃克
Moorgate 沼泽门
New Southgate 新南门
Oakleigh Park 奥克利公园 地名出自该地火车站
Old Street 老街
Patcham 帕恰 帕恰姆
Petersborough 彼州 彼得伯勒
Plumpton 李树庄 普朗顿
Portslade 埠连道 波次雷德,古意“港口路”
Potters Bar 瓷器口
Preston Park 祭居园 普雷斯顿公园,真的有公园。Preston古意“祭司居住地”
Royston 罗伊屯 罗伊斯顿
Shoreham 肖勒姆 古意可能是“陡坡下的土地”
Southampton 南安普顿
Stevenage 斯蒂夫尼奇
Watton 瓦顿
Welwyn Garden City 韦林花园城 英国第二个田园城市
Woolmer Green 沃墨格林













New Negland闭线

New England North Jn至彼州区间上行慢线关闭,Splading方向列车绕行彼州货场





70年代设立本信号站时的状况,注意Fletton flyash branch还存在

Spalding Bi-Di

在某年后彼州至Werrington Jn区间上行慢线可双向行车










自排进路(ARS)与TORR(Train Operated Route Release,列车通过后自动解除进路)



Gate boxes only:给人工道口及电视监控道口(见下表)上自排进路

TORR only:全线无自排进路,但是还有TORR



Flashing Greens

As part of the electrification of the East Coast Main Line, 140mph-capable Class 91 locos were constructed, to haul fixed-formation carriage rakes. To avoid major alteration to signalling, in order to provide the longer stopping distances needed for 140mph operation, flashing green aspects were trialled. The flashing green was effectively a fifth aspect, with the sequence running Red-Yellow-Double Yellow-Green-Flashing Green. The flashing green authorised 140mph running; on sight of a normal green drivers were to slow to 125mph. The line north of Peterborough was selected for the trial, with flashing greens fitted on the Down and Up Fast from P487 to P615 (inclusive) and P610 to P508 (inclusive) respectively.

140mph working never progressed beyond non-passenger trials, and the 91s were limited to 125mph. 125mph was decided to be the maximum speed when running on lineside signalling.

Turnout aspect restrictions

There are a number of signals where the aspect is restricted to double yellow when the route is set from the fast line to the slow or to a branch. These are signals 352 (Huntingdon), 493 (Werrington), 543, 544 (both Tallington), and 612 (Stoke).


The East Coast Main Line is electrified with standard 25kV overhead lines. This includes the Fast and Slow lines throughout the area, and all connections between them. All platforms and the through lines at Peterborough are wired, as is Huntingdon bay.

All sidings and the branches to Whittlesea, Spalding and Stamford are non-electrified, with the exception of Nene CS and the arrival and departure lines at Peterborough yard. Note that the Flyash and Goods loops at Peterborough are not electrified, as is the Up Stanford from Helpston Jn to Peterborough.

Crossing Keepers

All controlled level crossings on the simulation are controlled locally by Crossing Keepers . The Crossing Keepers will lower the barriers when a route is set over the crossing, and raise them when there are no routes set. ARS will set the route in plenty of time for trains approaching the crossings to see only green signals.

The barriers will usually be kept down if the train approaching the crossing is being closely followed by a second. However, this is not foolproof, and the user may wish to hold the barriers down by setting another route on another line over the crossing; once the first train has passed and a route for the second can be set, the route on the other line can be cancelled.

Whether or not another train is approaching is partly determined by routes set from other signals. For example, Everton LC will be kept down if a route is set from 271 or 273.

Where the route over the crossing also involves a regulating decision (for example, Holme in the Down direction or Tallington in both directions), ARS will not set the route when in 'Gate Boxes' mode, and the signaller will need to set the route at the appropriate time.

The crossings were originally assigned to gate boxes as follows:

Crossing Box

Everton Everton

Tempsford Everton

Offord Offord

Connington North Holme

Holme Holme

Holme Lode Holme

Woodcroft Helpston [1]

Helpston Helpston

Maxey Helpston

Lolham Helpston

Tallington Tallington

Greatford Tallington

[1] There is a separate crossing keeper who operates under instructions from Helpston.

More recently Everton, Offord, and Holme were replaced by a separate Peterborough Crossings panel in the PSB while Helpston took over the two crossings formerly controlled by Tallington.

Each of the five gate boxes is a separate workstation for multiuser play, allowing gate boxes to be allocated to the user covering the area or to have a single user working them all. Each is also a separate ARS area just for the routes over the crossings, labelled "GB" on the layout. Holme, Helpston, and Tallington are also normal ARS areas (the first two labeled "JUNC").

Auto Buttons

Unusually, most signals with Auto buttons provided must be clear before the auto buttons can be operated. This is prototypical, though the reason for it has yet to be discovered!

Blocking entrance points

At several of the entrance points the BLOK or similar code needs to be entered into a berth other than the first one on the line (either because of chaining arrangements or because it is a queued berth).

Line Signal

Down Slow K715

Down Fast K717

Down March 783

Up Main D2

Up Stamford 802

Up Spalding 862

Panel Notes

Hitchin- Tempsford


Biggleswade 'A' ground frame can only be used for trains entering the siding; the 'B' frame can be used for both arrivals and departures.


There is a set of hand points at the south (left-hand) end the yard, which switch between the loop and dead-end sidings. The hand points should be left normal for trains to enter the loop to signal 13 and reverse for the sidings.

Ground signal 5 on the Down Slow is a route start signal only, not a route exit signal. Therefore trains are signalled directly from signals 267, 269, and 1 to Sandy Down Yard signal 13 and from signal 1 to signal 271 in platform 2.

Little Barford- Stilton


No.1 siding is the siding immediately behind platform 3, No.2 siding is the other.


Fletton Flyash

Fletton Flyash is an out-and-back loop. Trains cannot enter and exit the simulation here- they enter the loop on the bottom line, then run round the loop to signal 53. They should be timetabled as follows: Peterborough, Fletton Jn, Fletton Flyash, Peterborough. They may, of course, form a new working at Fletton Flyash, timetabled in the usual way.

Signal 56/56R

Routes are set from 442 and 444 to Signal 56R. However, routes are then set from Signal 56. The subsidiary on 56R will clear automatically.

Peterborough station

All lines are permissive . The exit triangles on the through lines and on the Up Slow can be used to set-call on routes onto their respective lines when a train is standing at Signal 435, 440 or 466.

The northern 275 metres of the Goods is electrified.

Peterborough Yard

Trains booked for Peterborough Yard (Reverse) reverse behind signal 86.

Spalding Bi-di

In this mode, note that routes to 469 on the Up Slow are only available from Platforms 2 and 3 (437 and 445 respectively).

New England

Peterborough ECD ISU road 1 is the upper line, road 2 is the lower line.

Helpston- Stoke


There are two AHB crossings between Uffington and Stamford. If you receive a request for a slow vehicle to cross, you must place a call to Uffington box and confirm that they've stopped traffic on the Up Stamford before giving permission to cross. Once the crossing user has finished, contact Uffington again to remove the block.

Ketton Ward GF

Ketton Ward sidings have a trailing connection onto the Up Stamford, between Ketton and Stamford. Trains should be timetabled from the entry point at Ketton to Ketton sig 3, then Ketton Ward siding. Departing the sidings, trains should be timetabled from the entry point to Ketton sig 3, then Stamford, then as normal. Note that the ground frame is outside the area shown on the panel; it is included because it's between the simulation entry point and the start of the control area. The lamps on the ground frame display simulate the shunter's ability to see trains; the "approaching" lamp flashes when a train is approaching from Ketton and requires the frame locked.

Tallington GF

For trains entering Tallington at either end, release the ground frame, set the points as appropriate (remember to unlock and then re-lock the Facing Point Lock), grant the slot using the appropriate lever and then set the route from the entry signal to the exit arrow. Trains leaving at the 'B' end require the route set from 103 in a similar way; trains leaving at the A end require lever 102 to be reversed. Note that there will be a delay before 102 clears, due to the crossing being lowered.

Stoke Jn

A flashing yellow sequence is provided at signal 612, though the preceding signals which flash are under Doncaster's control.

Stoke GF

Release requires no route set over track circuits 9912 and 9922 (the ones covering the emergency crossovers).

The release lever releases the two points levers and the six hand signal buttons.

The crossovers are interlocked so only one can be reversed at a time.

Each push button acts as a hand-signaller standing at the relevant track circuit boundary. When pressed, they wave a green flag for 60 seconds then replace it by a red flag again.

Each handsignaller requires the opposing crossover normal but doesn't require the other crossover reversed.

The release lever can't be normalized while a handsignaller is giving an authority to move or either crossover is reversed.

On the Peterborough side, the two Down line handsignallers won't both give an authority at the same time; ditto the Up line handsignallers. Nothing stops opposing authorities (e.g. Down fast and Up line) being given at the same time.

Those four handsignallers don't check the powered points at the junction, though the driver will.

Level Crossings

Name Type Panel

Angels MWL Little Barford- Stilton

Bainton AHB Helpston- Stoke

Bainton Green AHB Helpston- Stoke

Cardells MWL Little Barford- Stilton

Connington North Crossing Keeper Little Barford- Stilton

East Road MWL Hitchin- Tempsford

Everton Crossing Keeper Hitchin- Tempsford

Furbanks MWL Little Barford- Stilton

Greatford Crossing Keeper Helpston- Stoke

Helpston Crossing Keeper Helpston- Stoke

Holme Crossing Keeper Little Barford- Stilton

Holme Green MWL Hitchin- Tempsford

Holme Lode Crossing Keeper Little Barford- Stilton

Lindsells MWL Hitchin- Tempsford

Lolham Crossing Keeper Helpston- Stoke

Maxey Crossing Keeper Helpston- Stoke

Offord & Buckden Crossing Keeper Little Barford- Stilton

Plants MWL Helpston- Stoke

Tallington Crossing Keeper Helpston- Stoke

Tempsford Crossing Keeper Hitchin- Tempsford

Woodcroft Crossing Keeper Helpston- Stoke

Multiplayer & Chaining

The simulation is manageable by a single player; less experienced players may wish to use ARS to assist.

The simulation chains at the following locations:

Simulation Location

Doncaster South Grantham

Kings Cross Hitchin

Hot Keys

In addition to the standard shortcut keys , the following are available:

Key Panel Area

B Biggleswade

C Connington

F Fletton

H Huntingdon

K Stoke

N St.Neots

P Peterborough

S Sandy

T Tallington

W Werrington Jn


Simulation by: Clive Feather

Summer 2003 WTT by: Unknown

Reference Section

Signal Number Plan

Peterborough Signal Number Plan

These are Adobe Acrobat PDF files. If you don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer you can get a free download of the latest version from the Adobe website . Use the built-in Find function (Ctrl+F) to locate signal numbers.

Signal Box Prefix Codes

Code Box

D Doncaster*

E Eastfield*

K Kings Cross#

KD Kings Dyke*

UN Uffington*

#Area partially controlled in this simulation

*Fringe box, signals not controlled in this area

Platform, Loop & Siding Lengths

Platform Lengths

Location Platform Length (m)

Peterborough 1 97

2 273

3 352

UT 339

DT 505

4 336

5 279

Flyash 335

Goods 555

Line Speeds

Speed Limit Plan

- produced for the original release, but mostly correct for this one.



- there have been a few changes but all the codes listed here should still work.

Special Decisions

The following codes can be used in Decisions of the form [EXT!xxxxx]:

Code Meaning

XCAM Cambridge is chained

XKX King's Cross is chained

The following codes can be used in Decisions of the form [NSC!xxxxx]:


Code Meaning

NORMAL normal

NSTORM bad weather

NSLOWS_ONLY fast lines closed

NNEUS_CLOSE New England closure

NRAND_CLOSE one random closure

NMULTI_CLOSE several random closures

Closures in force

Code Meaning

NBIGGCLSD Biggleswade



NNEWENGCLSD New England random track


NPBOCLSD Peterborough platform



Scale of problems:

Code Meaning


NPROB_DELAY limited delays only


NPROB_MED medium


NPROB_REAL low, medium, or high


Code Meaning

NOLD Original layout

NBIDI Spalding bi-di


Code Meaning

NFG Flashing greens and 140 mph speed limits

NLEGACYTT Legacy timetable features

Splash Screens

Splash1 A general view of the Peterborough and New England section of the panel

Splash2 A Class 91 leads a Mark 4 set north on the Down Through at Peterborough; this photo was taken from the south end platform 4

Splash3 The north end of Peterborough platform 4; Signal 449 is prominent

Splash4 A Class 170 stands in Platform 4 at Peterborough, heading towards Whittlesea

Additional Information

The line from Hitchin to Biggleswade (inclusive) is controlled by Kings Cross in reality. However, in the early days of SimSig, the size of simulations was constrained, and there wasn't space on the Kings Cross simulation to accommodate this section. Hence, it was picked up by Peterborough when this simualtion was produced.

Version History

Version History

Last edited by KCRCRailway on Today at 02:28