The Timetable Analyser, found on the Timetables window on the tab labelled Tools 1, is a good way to check a timetable for errors and warnings. Here is a list of errors and warnings, and what you can do about each one.
This train refers to train X in its activity list, but that train starts from a different location.
This train refers to train X in its activity on a specific platform, but train X specifies a different platform. Not a problem for running trains, but the user will be penalised for using the wrong platform.
Location X has been specified in core data as a non-station.
The specified platform code is not valid for this location.
The specified line code is not valid for this location.
The specified path code is not valid for this location.
The train refers to another train in its activity list, but there is no timetable for the specified train.
After dividing, the main train is shorter than 8m.
Another train has also detaches train X.
The timetable contains more locations after a location with a Next Train activity.
The location X is a minor location in the middle of the simulation, and is not a suitable point for a train to form a new working, or to be left overnight.
The length specified in the 'Train Characteristics' tab for the original train is different to the length specified in the train is becomes using the Next Train activity.
Another train has train X as its next train.
Two trains or more train join, however both trains have no locations specified beyond the point where they join, and no Next Working activity specified.
The train arrives at a location within the simulation with no next working/join.
No 'Power Type' box has been ticked in the 'Train Characteristics' tab.
The train enters using a type of power that is unavailable at the entry location specified.
Trains must be 8m or longer.
There is no valid path between two or more locations specified in the timetable.
A train needs at least two locations, or an entry point and one location, in order to go anywhere.
This train doesn't have an entry point, and no other trains refer to it. Therefore it'll never run.
This train will never run even though it is referred to by X. This is because X itself does not run. This can be cumulative, so X could be referred to by train Y but train Y does not run.
The train is booked to join another train, however that train has an invalid timetable.
Check that the times are sequential. Times greater than 23:59 are allowed, for example use 24:01 for one minute past midnight on the following day.
Check that the times are sequential. Times greater than 23:59 are allowed, for example use 24:01 for one minute past midnight on the following day.
Check that the times are sequential. Times greater than 23:59 are allowed, for example use 24:01 for one minute past midnight on the following day.
It's very difficult to reverse without stopping. Untick the "passing time" box.
A timing error has been made for a minor location Correct this so that the simulation organises the location list correctly.
Location X has been specified in simulation data as outside the area, and a train which reaches there will fall off. Therefore the following locations will never see the train. Split the train into two portions, and add a rule to ensure the second train does not enter the area whilst the first is still in the area.
The location used for activities is not a Key Location and therefore should not have activities there. Use the forum to discuss whether this should be a Key Location.
Allows the user to export a Timetable file to .CSV format, or import a .CSV file.
Please see this page.
Note: These functions are obsolete and will be removed in future versions of SimSig; users should not progress projects relying on these features. XML imports will continue to be available.
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Last edited by Steamer on 03/02/2021 at 19:25