From V5.16 of the Loader, timetable authors now have more flexible options for trains departing a location early. These options are per location and are as follows:
Option | Dep symbol | Description |
No | Train will typically stop for its full scheduled time, including dwell times | |
Yes (variable) | d | Trains will either stop for their minimum dwell time and depart, or wait until their departure time, or somewhere in between (randomly) |
Stop and go | d | Trains will stop for the minimum dwell time and then depart |
Regulating stop | * | This is typically used when the train does not need to stop, such as putting a train in a loop to allow other trains to pass. If the train has clear signals then it will not stop. |
Wait for time | d | The train will wait until its booked departure time. Class of service rules typically allow freight trains and empty passenger trains to leave earlier but this will overrule that. |
Note that a number of other factors may affect any option above. "Dep symbol" refers to the character between the hours and minutes of the departure time field, such as 12*34 or 12d34.
Existing timetables that have set down selected will default to the yes option. Schedules using 'Wait for time' will default to this option.
Last edited by Meld on 01/07/2021 at 03:25