You are here: Wiki > start > usertrack > ttuse > ttrules > depafterlve

T must not depart Z until X mins after Y leaves the area

This rule will prevent a train T from departing from location Z until at least X minutes after train "Y" has exited the Sim.

0A00 must not depart from Cambridge CS until 10 minutes after 5A00 leaves the area. 1A00 has arrived at Cambridge platform 1. It had detached 5A00 from the front, leaving 1A00 behind. 0A00 is in the Cambridge CS arrival line. 5A00 is programmed to go to Carriage Siding 6, and then 0A00 drops onto the remainder of the train. This rule will keep 0A00 in the carriage sidings until after 5A00 has shunted and moved out of the control area


Last edited by GeoffM on 15/09/2016 at 03:01