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Lima66, Edmund1635, Jsun, TUT, DriverCurran (5 users seen recently)

Registration Ts&Cs

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Most of the SimSig website is free to browse for unregistered users. Registration is however required for downloading some of the simulations, for posting in the forum, for editing the Wiki, and for viewing all of the details in the Upcoming Games section. Registration is free and only takes a couple of minutes.

By entering information in the fields below and clicking Submit you agree:

- that an email will be sent to the address you specify to confirm your registration
- that a second email will be sent 7-28 days later if you do not respond to the first email
- that your account will be deleted if no response is received from the second email within a further 28 days
- that offensive words used in any field may result in a deletion of your account without notification; however, where possible, you will be emailed and asked to change the offensive words before administrative action is taken
- that other occasional administrative email messages may be sent to you
- that your account may be deemed dormant and deleted after a period of one year of inactivity since you last logged in if you have made no posts or bought any licenses
- that you do not use a registered company name, trademark, or other entity in your username or Avatar which could cause misrepresentation; such registrations will be either renamed or rejected by the moderators/administrators

SimSig respects your privacy and does not distribute email addresses outside of this site.
If you have problems registering, for example because of a mis-typed email address or cannot use the Captcha(TM) system, please send an email to 