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File Details - Oxford - 1983 Weekday V1.0

Oxford - 1983 Weekday V1.0

Simulation using the 2000 era Oxford SimSig design, based on the timetable for September 1983. Input and suggestions from SimSig timetabler 58050 are acknowledged with thanks. Note to future timetablers: there are numerous typos and other errors in both PA and the station working book!

Keep an eye on platform departure times - there are multiple instances when two trains are timetabled to be in a platform simultaneously. Also watch for train 3V19 which is timetabled into the UCS via its ground frame and emerges from the UCS right in front of a class 1 train.

Work-arounds required for using the 2000 simulation's restricted facilities:
1) All moves timetabled for run-round in the DCS MUST use the DGL to arrive and DCS road 1 for the loco move.
2) DCS roads may be used for trains which reverse in the DCS without a run-round BUT only ONE of DCS 2-4 can be used at any one time. Trains termionating at end of their duties can be routed to all of 2-4, changing the siding using the switch provided.
3) Light engines for Oxford loco fuelling point must route to platform 2, thence toward the headshunt using the emergency access via Loco Sdgs GF. The normal route via the headshunt only works for moves from loco sidings,
4) 9V33TThO Bletchington trip working has false timings until Wolvercote to adjust for the failure to call at the cement works (missing from simulation).

Differences between 1983 and 2000:
a) Engineers' sidings south of Oxford are carriage sidings (West Midland sidings).
b) South Yard is in use. Trains scheduled to call there are timetabled to halt in the 2000 UPL. Trains originating/ terminating at South Yard run to Hinksey.

V1.0 - 05/12/2017 - base timetable for all trains in WTTs PA/PB/PF and trip working timetable, plus Oxford station working book for 1983/84. No crew change issues with loader 4.6.5.

User-contributed > Timetables > Oxford
05/12/2017 at 00:15
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Oxford - 1983 Weekdays V1.0.wtt

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