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Hope Valley SX 2009-10-15

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Hope Valley SX 2009-10-15 Yesterday at 19:04 #160364
6401 posts
This thread is for discussion of the 2009 timetable for Hope Valley.
SimSig Boss
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Hope Valley SX 2009-10-15 Yesterday at 21:03 #160374
725 posts
I've had 6M93 drop wagons into both run round sidings at Earles. I now have trip working COAL enter at ES19 wanting to use the sidings for a run round whilst both sidings are blocked but the T01A working to collect the wagons hasn't yet entered (booked 0350, now 0430 - the rule for entry has greyed out but the train shows as unentered)
There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
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Hope Valley SX 2009-10-15 Yesterday at 22:23 #160375
725 posts
It did enter over 90 late - but by that point I'd removed the wagons manually to allow the COAL run round which in turn allowed other moves from ES19
There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
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Hope Valley SX 2009-10-15 Today at 00:45 #160377
1053 posts
Splodge in post 160375 said:
It did enter over 90 late - but by that point I'd removed the wagons manually to allow the COAL run round which in turn allowed other moves from ES19
Until we get this sorted. Remove the train coming from the works and then it's return from the sidings. That will keep the cement block working fine. We're gonna have to figure out the rules again. We hadn't experienced this during testing, so we'll look at where it went wrong and fix it accordingly. Sorry for the inconvenience.

*Remove the entering pilot with wagons (when it enters) and then it's light engine return (when it calls in again). BUT only if and when you come across this situation. It's more important to get the WAG1/WAG2 into the cement works.

Mantis number to follow.


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