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Using Timetables for Games

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Using Timetables for Games Today at 13:09 #160325
1 posts
Hello everyone!

Sorry to bother you, but I was just wondering if it is okay to use timetables that others have created (that you download separately) for a game that you host.

Thank you so much in advance.

P.S. It seems like a bit of a silly question now that I'm typing it up...

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Using Timetables for Games Today at 14:59 #160326
82 posts
MythTrain in post 160325 said:
Hello everyone!

Sorry to bother you, but I was just wondering if it is okay to use timetables that others have created (that you download separately) for a game that you host.

Thank you so much in advance.

P.S. It seems like a bit of a silly question now that I'm typing it up...
Hey there, absolutely you can use player-made timetables for multiplayer games. However, there are some things to consider.

1: Are you using multiple sims in a chain? If so, are the timetables compatible with one another? (Incompatible timetables will not correctly transfer trains between sims. Incompatible timetables may also only have the 00:00 start time in common which may be a problem if you want to avoid the nightshift!)
2: Have you done a playthrough of the timetable yourself to check something hasn't broken and the timetable is actually possible to complete? (Particularly for old timetables) While this is not actually required it will make your life easier as teh host so you won't have signallers calling you every 5 minutes going "This is broken!" :)
3: Have you made sure to read all the documentation (if supplied) for that particular timetable?

If you answered yes to all of the above, you are good to go! Load up the timetable, turn on hosting and have fun!
Hopefully this helps, good luck with your hosting session!

7-5-5, closing of comment
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