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Introductions thread - please say hello!

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Introductions thread - please say hello! 10/01/2025 at 09:14 #159876
1 posts
I am Pete a signalling designer from the UK. I have used Simsig for a while now and find it useful when looking for further guidance on standards.

My first job with my new company is a BTET job ( not sure what my involvement will be yet) and as normal Simsig has delivered

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Introductions thread - please say hello! 14/01/2025 at 15:16 #159919
2 posts
Hi, slowly getting to grips with the sim and learning about why my train is permanently delayed.
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Introductions thread - please say hello! 31/01/2025 at 15:26 #160054
1 posts
hello, im not a robot
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Hello! 04/02/2025 at 17:50 #160088
1 posts
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Hello! 08/02/2025 at 00:38 #160127
1 posts
Finally decided to buy myself one of the paid sims, I enjoy this game way too much!
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Introductions thread - please say hello! 19/02/2025 at 17:53 #160217
16 posts
Well fancy seeing you here!!!
Bring back IC125's!
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Introductions thread - please say hello! 20/02/2025 at 03:12 #160219
1 posts
Hello! I am Beta, recently downloaded SIMSIG because of some who suggested me to do the Carlisle PSB in here instead of PCRAIL.

I come diretly from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and i am looking to get more into British signalwork and things as such.

BR - Ferrovia é patrimônio cultural brasileiro! || The Railroad is a brazilian cultural patrimony! || beta_dev
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Introductions thread - please say hello! 20/02/2025 at 09:49 #160220
5330 posts
beta_dev in post 160219 said:
Hello! I am Beta, recently downloaded SIMSIG because of some who suggested me to do the Carlisle PSB in here instead of PCRAIL.

I come diretly from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and i am looking to get more into British signalwork and things as such.
If you are new to SimSig and are trying the 1979 Carlisle TT, best of luck! It is generally accepted that the 1979 TT sets one of the hardest challenges that any SimSig user can take up. One small mistake and you can easily lock up the whole station and have to spend hours unpicking things. It does give you a sense of achievement when you get to the end of the day but it might be better for you to start on something a little less challenging while you get your head round the workings of SimSig.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Introductions thread - please say hello! 20/02/2025 at 23:47 #160223
1473 posts
postal in post 160220 said:
beta_dev in post 160219 said:
Hello! I am Beta, recently downloaded SIMSIG because of some who suggested me to do the Carlisle PSB in here instead of PCRAIL.

I come diretly from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and i am looking to get more into British signalwork and things as such.
If you are new to SimSig and are trying the 1979 Carlisle TT, best of luck!
There are a good few user timetables for Carlisle though, wich being more recent will be a lot simpler as a starter.
I have not run any myself.

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Hello 21/02/2025 at 21:34 #160241
2 posts
Hello, just downloaded the software. Any advice on getting started with zero experience?
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Introductions thread - please say hello! 21/02/2025 at 22:16 #160243
1473 posts
SG751 in post 160241 said:
Hello, just downloaded the software. Any advice on getting started with zero experience?
Simplest sim with a click by click guide to using it.

Then perhaps best to go for an area you know

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The following user said thank you: SG751
Introductions thread - please say hello! 22/02/2025 at 09:49 #160249
1779 posts
SG751 in post 160241 said:
Hello, just downloaded the software. Any advice on getting started with zero experience?
What level of signalling knowledge do you have? (And from what country?) That is the sort of information that may help no end if you need us to guide you, as it will help us pitch responses appropriately. This forum has a mix of rank beginners and very experienced professionals, so the level of help available is pretty good.

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The following user said thank you: SG751
Introductions thread - please say hello! 22/02/2025 at 19:56 #160258
2 posts
I'm from the UK. As for my signalling knowledge, I only have a general idea of how it works so probably not much knowledge. I heard about SimSig online and thought I might give it a try.
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Introductions thread - please say hello! 23/02/2025 at 15:18 #160263
1779 posts
SG751 in post 160258 said:
I'm from the UK. As for my signalling knowledge, I only have a general idea of how it works so probably not much knowledge. I heard about SimSig online and thought I might give it a try.
Thanks. As Bill says, Royston is a good one to cut your teeth on, then when you've got the hang of working an NX panel the world (OK, SmiSig world) is your oyster.


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The following user said thank you: SG751
Introductions thread - please say hello! 25/02/2025 at 17:33 #160281
1 posts
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…well this is exciting!! 12/03/2025 at 12:56 #160499
1 posts
Good afternoon all!
I’ve been accepted onto an Assessment Centre Day for Network Rail to work as a Signaller, I’m hoping to get a fundamental grasp of how things work using this simulator so I don’t come across as a total idiot on the day!! Also hoping to learn some good habits!

Wish me luck!

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Hi all, new user here!! 20/03/2025 at 20:22 #160632
1 posts
Hi All!!

New user trying to buy a sim for York North and South, but cant until I post haha

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