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stopping postions

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stopping postions Yesterday at 05:32 #160686
168 posts
Hi I have noticed since the two updates to the Loader files that on most of the sims a few trains stop at stations beyond the starting signal. I have included a save from the Feltham sim with 2U06 displaying this at Twickenham. And the technical details.

Many thanks

Rodney 30

OS: Windows 10 Home 64bit
Loader: SimSig Loader version 5.34; Sim: Simulation Feltham; data version 1.11
License: Dynamic license in use
TT: Feltham 2019-01-09 SX v1.3.0
TT filename: Feltham 2019-01-09 SX.WTT
TT merged: False
Sim upgrade: False
Loader upgrade: False
Save reloaded: False
NSCENARIO0 active at start
NBEGINNER active at start
NTSRNONE active at start
NGOODWEATHER active at start
NLXCONTROLS active at start
NLXOFF active at start
NTORR active at start
NTORRON active at start
NNONRDG active at start

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Last edited: Yesterday at 05:32 by rodney30
Reason: None given

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