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Rugby South. Delayed at Berkhamsted. Adverse change of aspect

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Rugby South. Delayed at Berkhamsted. Adverse change of aspect Yesterday at 11:59 #160689
80 posts

I have had a couple of trains at Berkhemsted on the slow up line that call inn and say they will be delayed.

They ask if I want to return the signal to danger, and I respond yes to this so that I can pull the signal WT5152 at Bourne End Junction.

When they several minutes later report ready to depart they also report an adverse change of aspect.

I just had the same issue again and looked more closely what happens. After pulling WT5152 the signal at Berkhamsted, WT5156 turns double yellow instead of remaining green. Fair enough. "Expect yellow". After two minutes of approach locking however the double yellow turns to a single yellow aspect and the message

16:45:49 2N90 received an adverse change of aspect at signal WT5156


I find this somewhat strange for a couple of reasons.

1 - Why is the signal before the junction, WT5154, yellow during the approach locking, but suddenly changed to red at the same time as the route is released after the approach locking timeout? This makes the signal at Berkhamssted turn single yellow instead of remaining at double yellow.
2 - The driver called in with the delay asking if I would like to return the signal to danger. Should he not expect that the signal will turn to higher restrictive aspect until calling back in ready to depart?

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Rugby South. Delayed at Berkhamsted. Adverse change of aspect Yesterday at 12:31 #160691
1075 posts

It's double red protection for the junction. I would have pulled back on the first controllable signal WT5154, as I would expect exactly what you have reported to happen. The train will ignore the first aspect change via the telephone call, but once the route times out then there will be another aspect change to meet the RR criteria.

The exact same happens at Ledburn Junction too.


How to report an issue: www.SimSig.co.uk/Wiki/Show?page=usertrack:reportanissue
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Rugby South. Delayed at Berkhamsted. Adverse change of aspect Yesterday at 13:53 #160693
80 posts
Hap in post 160691 said:

It's double red protection for the junction. I would have pulled back on the first controllable signal WT5154

The exact same happens at Ledburn Junction too.
I understand.

Thank you

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The following user said thank you: Hap