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Multiplayer in same sim

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Multiplayer in same sim Today at 14:30 #160277
70 posts

What is the correct procedure to host and join the same sim when two (or more) will be controlling different workstations within the same sim (for example Wembley Mainline?)

When I tried just now, using two computers and the free sim SwinDid the host computer received all telephone calls. Even from those workstations that another person was controlling.

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Multiplayer in same sim Today at 15:12 #160280
169 posts
Hoggorm in post 160277 said:

What is the correct procedure to host and join the same sim when two (or more) will be controlling different workstations within the same sim (for example Wembley Mainline?)

When I tried just now, using two computers and the free sim SwinDid the host computer received all telephone calls. Even from those workstations that another person was controlling.
When the client is joining they need to go into the menu in the top left, then "Multiplayer", then "Workstation Control", and then "Take Control" of any workstations they wish to control. They will then receive the calls instead of the host.

Kind Regards

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