F4 Auto Save Option

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F4 Auto Save Option Yesterday at 19:10 #160222
1204 posts
I don't know if it's possible nor feasible, but could an auto save option be added to the F4 timetable editor?

Back story I don't use XML as it gets confusing for me, so use the default timetable editor. Anyway today we had two power outages one that was planned and lasted a couple of hours the other not so planned. While I was working away on a new timetable when the power suddenly went out for a few mins. This got me thinking if you was on a laptop and had a decent life of battery left you would be able to save the timetable. If you was on a desktop PC without UPS you have no option but to re-start making the timetable you had just lost. So my fault for not saving regularly it was only 20-30 trains I had put in. Could a new feature enable an auto save option where it will save your timetable as you go along like every 5 mins? Similar to what MS Word does when doing a document etc. You could toggle this on or off via F3 options?

Aaron (AJRO) | Timetable Writer
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