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Sticky notes being able to reference UIDs as well as headcodes

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Sticky notes being able to reference UIDs as well as headcodes Today at 14:32 #160170
76 posts
Title says it all.

I'm currently playing the various heavily loco-hauled timetables and pilot engines are proving an issue because they all have the same headcode, plus empty trains being shunted by the pilot ALSO have the same headcode! So a way for me to reference a UID in the stick note so I know what's going where and when: eg "$XXXXX" would be extremely useful! And I can't figure out how to do it, starting to think it isn't possible in the current game!

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Sticky notes being able to reference UIDs as well as headcodes Today at 14:37 #160171
389 posts
You can put as much text as you like in a sticky note, it just wont be clickable. Just put the headcode followed by the information you require.
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Sticky notes being able to reference UIDs as well as headcodes Today at 17:56 #160175
76 posts
Dick in post 160171 said:
You can put as much text as you like in a sticky note, it just wont be clickable. Just put the headcode followed by the information you require.
That's not what I asked,

Currently, if you enter a headcode into a sticky note that is valid with the timetable. It turns into a hyperlink TO that trains timetable, BUT it only works with headcodes NOT UIDs

And for example Carlisle 1979 has the pilot engine headcodes 0T01 0T02 0T03 and 5T01 5T02 5T03 all with about 200 different iterations. So it I type in '5T01' into a sticky note to see what I need to clear and prepare for shunting, AND there isn't already a 5T01 OR MULTIPLE 5T01s already in the simulation the '5T01' in the sticky note will link to one of 200 '5T01s' in the timetable. And if I enter the UID instead eg: 5T01B it still just sees 5T01 and picks at random which one to display to me.

I have tried putting a '$' which is the way simulations denote UIDs and it breaks the hyperlink (i.e. there isn't one)

So, what I am asking is for you to be able to specify a UID in a sticky note AND the hyperlink to correctly direct you TO THAT TRAIN with the given UID.

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