Trent Timetables - Seed

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Trent Timetables - Seed Today at 16:51 #160255
388 posts
When writing a timetable for Trent, there doesn't seem to be a seeding option, so presumably it's not possible to have any trains in the sim when the timetable starts and therefore only trains that haven't yet entered at the time (e.g. 00:00) can be included?


User | Multiplayer Host | Timetable Writer
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Trent Timetables - Seed Today at 18:44 #160256
1461 posts
Correct, seeding at signals was introduced well into the 'Loader' style, and Trent is an old .exe

Back then if you really needed a train in the sim early on (eg long routes like Westbury, or if you were expecting to produce a timetable in the next sim of a chain) you had it enter from sidings.

An alternative might be using a different start time if that might give you a cleaner startup. Feels unlikely with Trent.

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