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Hope Valley SX 2009-10-15

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Hope Valley SX 2009-10-15 06/03/2025 at 19:04 #160364
6405 posts
This thread is for discussion of the 2009 timetable for Hope Valley.
SimSig Boss
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Hope Valley SX 2009-10-15 06/03/2025 at 21:03 #160374
726 posts
I've had 6M93 drop wagons into both run round sidings at Earles. I now have trip working COAL enter at ES19 wanting to use the sidings for a run round whilst both sidings are blocked but the T01A working to collect the wagons hasn't yet entered (booked 0350, now 0430 - the rule for entry has greyed out but the train shows as unentered)
There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
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Hope Valley SX 2009-10-15 06/03/2025 at 22:23 #160375
726 posts
It did enter over 90 late - but by that point I'd removed the wagons manually to allow the COAL run round which in turn allowed other moves from ES19
There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
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Hope Valley SX 2009-10-15 07/03/2025 at 00:45 #160377
1058 posts
Splodge in post 160375 said:
It did enter over 90 late - but by that point I'd removed the wagons manually to allow the COAL run round which in turn allowed other moves from ES19
Until we get this sorted. Remove the train coming from the works and then it's return from the sidings. That will keep the cement block working fine. We're gonna have to figure out the rules again. We hadn't experienced this during testing, so we'll look at where it went wrong and fix it accordingly. Sorry for the inconvenience.

*Remove the entering pilot with wagons (when it enters) and then it's light engine return (when it calls in again). BUT only if and when you come across this situation. It's more important to get the WAG1/WAG2 into the cement works.

Mantis number to follow.


How to report an issue: www.SimSig.co.uk/Wiki/Show?page=usertrack:reportanissue
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Hope Valley SX 2009-10-15 07/03/2025 at 07:25 #160380
214 posts
Just had these moves with no issues.
Glyn Calvert ACIRO
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Hope Valley SX 2009-10-15 07/03/2025 at 08:55 #160382
5327 posts
geswedey in post 160380 said:
Just had these moves with no issues.
The apparently random behaviour is due to the complexity of the choices/rules governing the running of these trains. The choices/rules have to be consistent across every sim through which the trains will pass which gives rise to a difficult web of instructions. For example back in the day when we had coal-fired power stations, Rugeley Power Station could have a single entry path for trains from maybe Hunterston on the Paisley sim or Avonmouth on the Bristol sim so for the Stafford sim it is a simple choice/rule. But back up the chain Hunterston could have an outbound path with that train going to Rugeley or maybe Drax or Ironbridge and similarly for Avonmouth. All of those trains need their own rules/choices. Trying to meld all of those combinations into a single working scheme over all of the sims in the chain between Hunterston or Avonmouth and Rugeley is a very difficult task. Like any manual entry there is the possibility of error and because of the number of options there is always the chance that a particular set of the choices/rules is never tested.

Any report of an inconsistency is welcome as it will enable the TT writers to produce a better TT and may also enable potential problems in other sims to be debugged. Please keep the reports coming!

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 07/03/2025 at 08:55 by postal
Reason: None given

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Hope Valley SX 2009-10-15 07/03/2025 at 10:48 #160385
1116 posts
The Coals are a pain in the derriere, if the 6M wasn't late it shouldn't have been a problem, I must have missed some rules, as Hap says this didnt come up in testing even with delays on.

I do have an idea formulating as the 6M has the branch pilot in use, there is no way that the Coal should enter as the loco is not available while working the 6M arrival.

As Postal mentions above the further we go the more complicated the decisions become. For example : using a Rugeley PS arrival, one decision to allow a random 4 out of 9 services to arrive at Rugeley has 36 choices for the origin of an arrival ranging from Avonmouth/Portbury, Scotland and Immingham,

Passed the age to be doing 'Spoon Feeding' !!!
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