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Drawing up to the starter signal to clear a subsidiary route

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Drawing up to the starter signal to clear a subsidiary route Yesterday at 10:32 #160340
15 posts
Playing Rugby Central sim and came across a scenario that I was curious about.

In the attached screenshot, 5N01 is going into Kings Heath. It's arrived from the south and come to a halt at the London end of P3, and being a short train, it isn't occupying the track circuit immediately in the rear of the starting signal. As a result the shunt signal hasn't cleared.

In SimSig, the train will draw up towards the starter, occupy the track circuit and the subsidiary aspect clears to allow the train into the depot. How would this work in real life? Would the driver need to phone the signaller for authorisation to draw up towards the starter (in case a conflicting move has been signalled in from the country end)? Or would there be some local arrangement, as I imagine this can't be an uncommon issue.

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Last edited: Yesterday at 10:32 by jnjkerbin
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Drawing up to the starter signal to clear a subsidiary route Yesterday at 13:26 #160342
3718 posts
I suspect you'd have a local arrangement/understanding to stop in a defined location if booked into the sidings.

IRL the driver would need to ask for permission to make any additional movement once he's come to a stand in the platform as he doesn't know if something has been signalled on top of him from the other direction for instance.

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Drawing up to the starter signal to clear a subsidiary route Yesterday at 15:32 #160344
Stephen Fulcher
2105 posts
This is deliberate in the core code otherwise the train would never move.
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Drawing up to the starter signal to clear a subsidiary route Today at 01:40 #160345
80 posts
Just speculating from a driver perspective generally, if not as a UK driver specifically. If you knew you were going back the way you came, you’d pull up towards the arrival end unless there was a compelling reason not to. If you were at the far end, you’d probably wait for the road to clear before you moved off, unless there was a local procedure that said move up to the departure end first.

SimSig seems to deal with the problem. Does the train have to go to the far end (is that where the exits are, for example), or could the timetable have been written to stop at the near end?

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Drawing up to the starter signal to clear a subsidiary route Today at 08:41 #160346
920 posts
Stephen Fulcher in post 160344 said:
This is deliberate in the core code otherwise the train would never move.

In theory you could ask the player to use the "Shunt forward" option in the train list, and instead of automatically drawing up to the signal when that situation is detected, a "Shunt forward" option could be added to the "standing at red signal" telephone call.

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