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Manchester Piccadilly summer 1992 TT Test
Having now finished writing my summer 1992 TT for Manchester Piccadilly the time has now come to test this TT. The TT has 1,882 trains in it for the 24 hour period. During the test games the ARS will be disabled. Teamspeak Open Hosting #2 will be used for this session. Panels will be allocated in order of connections to this game unless someone lets me know if they have a preference. I'll endeavour to assist anyone who has any problems or quieries, but bear in mind I've never actually played this sim myself, but I fairly familiar with the area. I hope all those interested in joining this game has a good time & enjoys themselves.
Start Date/Time
03/03/2025 18:40:00
Simulations in use
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Manchester Piccadilly
KymriskaDraken Yesterday at 14:01
tjfrancis Yesterday at 14:02
ajfoxy Yesterday at 16:22 (Tentative)
rodney30 Yesterday at 19:46 (Tentative)
DaveHarries Yesterday at 21:40 (Tentative)
Jimmyj5579 Yesterday at 23:28

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Game Discussion
Yesterday at 21:41
I have put as tentative but will be in if able.