You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Manchester East > File Details - Manchester East 1985
This simulation is designed for use in the 2012-present era. If a pre-2012 era is created, a new version of this simulation will be released.
04.56 - 00.30 weekdays: 440 trains. More detailed information is provided within the timetable file.
Welcome to 1985! Manchester’s railway network is still split north and south, but the Stockport-Stalybridge shuttle links the systems. Loco-hauled trains and 1950s DMUs abound on both groups of lines, including trains to/from the East Midlands rerouted off the Settle-Carlisle route via Manchester Victoria, Philips Park and Ashburys. All Manchester-Sheffield services route via Ashburys: the Hazel Grove chord’s opening is still a year off. Local services are rudimentary on the Diggle route, but very intense on the lines from Piccadilly with a 15 minute interval rush-hour service to all termini. Freight is still a major factor, though not for much longer. It’s a different world….
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