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File Details - Sheffield 1983-1984 V.3

Sheffield 1983-1984 V.3

<p>This is a re-work of my original timetable. The folder contains 5 timetable files for each weekday along with a copy of the Sheffield 1983-1984 station working book &amp; a couple of documents regarding freight &amp; passenger &amp; parcel train operations. A lot of thanks goes to several people who have had a hand in its production including John(Meld), Noel(NoisyNoel), AndyG, OfficerDibble(for testing) &amp; Sheffield station shunters for supplying the station working book. For anyone downloading this please check to see that each days timetable should be over 350kb to prove it is the correct version they have. For any issues or bugs please report them on a new thread in Timetable Chat &amp; I'm sure someone will sort them out. Many thanks for being patient as I know a lot of you have been waiting for this to be released. I hope you enjoy Sheffield in the former BR era. This timetable must be run in the 1980s era mode.</p>

Timetables > Obsolete Sims > Sheffield (Obsolete .exe)
24/09/2010 at 22:25
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542.7 KiB
File Name
Sheffield 1983-1984(3).zip

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