You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Stockport > File Details - Stockport 1987 (00.00 start)
Hours of operation: 00.00-23.59. 461 trains in timetable, varying by day.
Welcome to 1987! Much has changed since 1977, not least the abolition of steam-era practices such as loco changes. The most important change has been the opening of the Hazel Grove chord, enabling traffic between Manchester and Sheffield to pass through Stockport. Longer distance trains also use the chord, mostly using the link from Manchester Victoria via Denton Junction.
Local passenger services are at least half-hourly throughout the day on all routes, with considerably more trains in the rush hours. Main line trains run at 90 minute intervals off-peak to London Euston and roughly every hour between Manchester and points south of Birmingham. The Euston services are much more frequent in peak business periods. The Stockport-Stalybridge shuttle still exists, providing a roughly hourly service.
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