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File Details - LTS Mon-Fri Jan-Feb 2020

LTS Mon-Fri Jan-Feb 2020

Notes on the timetable
This is a Mon-Fri timeatble, with the day chosen randomly. Many trains (escpecially freight) do not run on a daily basis, which gives a different scenario each time the simulation is run.

CC & LO Trains :
All CC workings are taken from the official diagrams. All timings are taken from cif files from the appropriate TOC.
LO services (class 710 EMUs) have had to be catagorised as DMU, as the route into Plat 1 at Barking was not electrified at the time when the Simulation was released.
Timings for both TOC's have been checked with the relevant WTT's and with that shown from charlwoodhouse.co.uk website.

ECS movements :
5V91/2 are paths for tye turning, if required.
5R91 and 5E92 are paths returning from tyre turning if required.
5S98, 5E97, 5S02, 5E87 and 5V97, 5E91 are ECS paths if required.
5V81, 5V82, 5R49, 5E98 runs as required.
5G81/85/86 and 5G91/2/3/4/5/7/8 are training trips as and when required.
In reality 5S73 departs at 0907 from Shoeburyness before 1B43 leaves, but Iv'e made it depart 6 mins later and from the rear to save major complications on the decision when compiling the timetable. This is due to 5G81/91 (as and when required) being forned at the rear off 1F62, and 5S73 not running.. Formations remain the same but many sets are swapped oved when this occurs. If any compilers or admins can shed any light on how this can be done in decision mode so that trains interpose in the correct position at Shoeburyness please get in touch ! Thanks.

Freight :
All freight trains times are from the official cif files, consists are checked with trains that have ran during the period of the timetable (January-February 2020). Checks have been made as to what days trains actually ran historically, and the decisions of DOTW (Day of the week) is based on this imformation.
99% of the Freight trains in this timetable only run on certain days, which will give adifferernt scenario each time the Sim is run.
Barking Eurohub complex was brought into use after this sim was created, so I have used Stora Sidings for Eurohub services.

Thanks :
Thanks go to Geoff Mayo for creating the sim in the first place,
Chris Law for assistance with the cif filles and to Tony Hutchins for giving the timetable a local look through.

Enjoy !

Phil Hodgson (Phil1044)

User-contributed > Timetables > LTS
14/04/2020 at 08:55
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File Name
LTS Mon-Fri Jan-Feb 2020.WTT

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