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File Details - Manchester Piccadilly April 1989 - The Oxford Road Part

Manchester Piccadilly April 1989 - The Oxford Road Part

Operating Hours: 06.06-00.20. 385 trains in timetable, varying by day.

This timetable MUST be run in 1990 mode. Full instructions are in the General tab of the timetable. PLEASE read them before use!

The timetable is designed to enable 1 or 2 signallers to use part of the Manchester Piccadilly (MPSCC) simulation while maintaining all scheduled train movements. This is achieved by simulating movements on the lines through Manchester Oxford Road, using the 1988-89 timetable: specifically the period between April 22nd and May 14th 1989.

The 1988 timetable makes it possible to have a reasonably self-contained simulation using the Oxford Road panel of SimSig MPSCC. As little use as possible is made of the Piccadilly and Longsight panels. Windsor Bridge, Bolton and Heald Green panels (the latter two not on MPSCC until 1990) can be set up for completely automatic operation while Crow Nest Jn is not involved in the traffic pattern at all.

Although the Windsor Link between Ordsall Lane and Salford Crescent was opened in April 1988, only 16 trains were scheduled to use it daily in the 1988-89 timetable. All were Blackpool-East Anglia workings. In addition a pair of parcels DMUs run between Longsight and Liverpool via the Chat Moss route. The inbound working is due from Eccles at 07.40 and the outbound at 12.52 from Longsight.

A handful of trains use the Ashburys route. There are passenger trains at 08.05, 19.03 and 22.39, with a return at 23.02 ex-Oxford Rd. Freight trains may also appear, but this varies by day. Beware!

One signaller should be able to cope off-peak and in peak hours by very adroit handling of trains 07.00-09.00 and 16.00-18.00. In those periods, up to 13 trains per hour each way use the lines between Oxford Road and Cornbrook Jn, most heading for Altrincham. Correct train sequencing at Cornbrook and Castlefield Jns is essential. It is possible to get into an unholy mess at Oxford Road otherwise.

User-contributed > Timetables > Manchester Piccadilly
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Manchester Piccadilly April 1989 - The Oxford Road Part.WTT

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