You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Newport > File Details - NEWPORT FEB 2020 PLUS
Newport (South Wales) basically the Gateway to South Wales.
Passenger Traffic is dominated by First Great Western and the "New" IET's. The once dominant HSTs are now only seen on the "Castle Sets", the rest of the services being operated by older unit Stock that is gradually being cascaded for newer or refurbished stock.
Cross Country operate an hourly Nottingham - Cardiff - Nottingham Service as well as TFW with 175 units as well as 143/150/153 and 158s.. Class 67 work to Cardiff from the North.
Freight in the area is a mixture of GB / DB and FL with DRS making an appearance as well as Colas.
With the introduction of new Rolling Stock onto the network the cascade of older units is evident as they are moved to Simms on Newport Dks to await their fate.
Please report anything in the relevent thread on the forum and I will amend
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