You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Leeds Northwest > File Details - Leeds Northwest SO 2020 (0700 Start)
Leeds Northwest timetable based on Sunday 9th February 2020 (with a few extras added in)
Timetabled trains: 206
Start time: 0700
End time: 2430
Total Train types: 21
This is a Sunday timetable, so there's not many trains, but it's ideal for beginners.
I've added in a few extras, to add flavor to the timetable, and makes it more interesting.
5Q20 - Allerton Depot to Skipton Broughton Road C.S: Class 331 drag.
5M59 - Skipton Broughton Road C.S to Leicester L.I.P: ROG Class 37 + 2 Translator Coaches + Class 47
3Z12 - Knottingley T.M.D - Knottingley T.M.D: DB Cargo Class 66 + NR MPV + EWS Class 66
I hope you enjoy this timetable.
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