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You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Moss Vale > File Details - Moss Vale - Mostly fictitious

File Details - Moss Vale - Mostly fictitious

Moss Vale - Mostly fictitious

This timetable is mostly fictitious. Some of the original timetabled freight paths remain.
Passenger Services:
There is an hourly fast service between Picton and Cootamundra(1CXX)/Junee(1SXX) and return (1SXX). Every other train continues towards Junee with the remainder terminating and turning back at Cootamundra.
A local service also operates hourly between Picton and Goulburn (2GXX)and vice versa. (2CXX)
Some of the original services that operate between Picton and Canberra have been retained (and retimed to fit in to the overall timetable.

Freight - there are still numerous freight paths, and the majority of the original have been retained. There is now a regular 2 hourly merry-go-round operating to Tahmoor Colliery and Undanderra, a long with 2 hourly services between Unanderra and Milvale. These have been timed carefully to allow them to cross on the single line sections so let them run early at your peril!

UK Train numbering principles have been used (I apologies for this but could never get my head around the NSW principles causing delays and numerous mis-routings on my part!)

A few tips:
i)Generally, unless timetabled, if you put a freight service between a 2CXX and 1SXX, the 1SXX will arrive late at Picton.
ii)Go easy with the route queuing between Calwalla and Dombarton - it can't handle too many ques and will fall over if you stack too much. Likewise, watch out for TDs jumping back in the opposite direction of travel.
iii) When running the light loco around at Cootamundra, you will have to use the warner route to get it back into the down refuge. Likewise, when the train departs towards Milvale the Driver will ask your permission to move - do not set a route between CA 38 and CA 28 because the signal will momentarily clear and then revert to red, meaning the driver is going to complain to you about a COA. Simply authorise the driver at departure time and set normally from CA 28. Make sure the points coming out of the refuge are reverse before giving authority!
iv) The ACI does not work for terminating trains at Cootamundra - you will need to interpose the new headcode before it travels back towards Moss Vale.

Please note I have only checked this timetable up until midday in a detailed level - there may well be numerous conflicts from 12pm onwards.

Acknowledgments to the original timetable creator and also by train planning chums at work who managed to fix all my crossing issues on the Unandarra single line section!


User-contributed > Timetables > Moss Vale
25/07/2020 at 05:53
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32.7 KiB
File Name
Moss Vale_Fictitious.WTT

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