(UTC times)
You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Motherwell > File Details - Motherwell 1993
This is a combination of 1993 passenger & 1992 freight, so is not accurate to one particular day.
The timetable has ‘Day of Week’ options for TUE WED THU or FRI and some further variations in
trains run.
It has 887 trains.
The 1993 WTT did not contain coal trains, these being planned weekly, so the 1999 coal timetable
has been used instead. The timetable runs from 0000 to 2700 (ie 0300 next day).
This timetable can be chained to the Central Scotland and Edinburgh 1993 timetables of ver 3
Timetable created by Bill Wilson, thanks to the Peter Bennet and the rest of the McSim team for
creating the sims and testing the timetable. Thanks also to the folks at www.scot-rail.co.uk who
provided a number of the historical details.
The timetable wtt file is inside the zip along with a folder for additional notes.and splash screens
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