You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Swindon A and B > File Details - Swindon A&B 1986 - Simply Swindon
Operating Hours: 03.30-00.30. 207 trains in timetable, varying by day.
This is a comparatively simple simulation that only includes trains scheduled to use the former Swindon PSB parts of the IECC. It was designed partly with the fantastic restoration job done by Swindon Panel Society in mind. More on that excellent group can be found here:
To better emulate Swindon PSB, you are strongly encouraged to deactivate all ARS locations from Uffington (inclusive) westwards through Swindon to the end of the simulation area. Didcot will then handle all trains in its area (though see Issues & Work-rounds below), leaving you to be a Swindon PSB signaller.
Despite its simplicity, there are time when you may become stretched, especially with shunting movements around Swindon and the single line to/from Kemble. Keeping trains to time and not too early is a good idea.
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