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File Details - Manchester Piccadilly April 1989 - The Southern Part

Manchester Piccadilly April 1989 - The Southern Part

Operating Hours 04.20-24.20. 998 trains timetabled, varying by day of week.

This timetable MUST be run in 1990 mode with ARS disabled. PLEASE read the guidance notes in the General tab of the timetable before use!

This simulation is designed to enable a single player to operate the southern half of the complex area controlled by Manchester Piccadilly. All trains operating around Piccadilly and Oxford Road are included. Those to/from Manchester Victoria are not (with one exception). This makes good sense due to the split of Manchester's railway network until May 1989, with barely 20 trains using the Castlefield - Ordsall Lane connection, including 16 trains using the Windsor Link, opened in May 1988. Full background notes and instructions are provided in the timetable's General tab.

It covers the southern part of MPSCC's control area, as represented in SimSig's simulation, using a tight timeframe between April 22nd and May 14th 1989. In that window, MPSCC controlled all the lines shown in 1990 mode except the Bolton & Crow Nest areas, though the trackplans there are correct for the period.

User-contributed > Timetables > Manchester Piccadilly
24/09/2020 at 13:56
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Manchester Piccadilly April 1989 - The Southern Part.WTT

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