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File Details - Manchester Piccadilly 1993

Manchester Piccadilly 1993

Operating hours: 03.59-24.30 - 1437 trains in the timetable

This timetable MUST be run in 2008-2015 mode. ARS can be used, but the default setting is disabled and you are strongly recommended to keep it that way, at least around Piccadilly and Longsight. PLEASE, read the notes and ARS/ACI guidance in the timetable notyes before operation!

Another simulation for Manchester Piccadilly SCC's early days, this time based on the summer 1993 timetable. The Altrincham line has closed and is already much missed, but the Heald Green - Manchester Airport line has just opened. Main line operations are still loco-hauled and there are more of them than in previous years. Freight workings still feature from Trafford Park, Glazebrook and extensively between Manchester Victoria and the Chat Moss route, plus a thrice weekly trip freight from Trafford Park to Westhoughton with coplicated routing. One operator can cope with this timetable at up to 2 times real clock speed, but if 2 or 3 operators are handy, life is much easier.

A considerable amount of background information and operating notes are provided in the General tab of the timetable.

User-contributed > Timetables > Manchester Piccadilly
16/11/2020 at 23:09
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Manchester Piccadilly 1993.WTT

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