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File Details - LTS - Summer 2020 4-Day Timetable

LTS - Summer 2020 4-Day Timetable

Based on RTT information for planned workings 31st July - 3rd August 2020. Seeds added for the start of each working day.

ARS Known Issues:
ACI does not operate at Leigh-on-Sea P1 - 1B05 needs to be interposed at arrival of ECS
Certain ECS recessing at Gas Factory Loop tends to get pulled off too early, putting UR128 on auto helps.
There are also some issues with ECS being cleared too early at Laindon (1B81) and Leigh-on-Sea centre platforms. 1B17 gets delayed if left unchecked.
Due to some generous timings especially at Shoeburyness and Fenchurch Street, some arriving services get held to time by ARS for long enough to trigger an SG call from the drivers.

Hacks and Special Notices:
UR830 is electrified in real life but not on the sim, so some Class 92 engines are set to diesel.
Barking P1 is electrified in real life but not on the sim, so some 710 consists are set to diesel. The intended platform is shown in F2 - don't route one marked P7/P8 into P1.
Trains from Dollands Moor can't enter from CTRL in the sim, so they have been re-routed via the GOBLIN.
6Z11/6Z12 should be longer, but due to overhanging the bay platform at UPM this has been truncated.

Changes from earlier versions:
- Correction to 387 stock allocations
- Minor typos corrected
- Amended dwell times for GOBLIN terminators
- Redundant stock types removed
- Minor positional tweaks for 710's, RHTT & Tampers

User-contributed > Timetables > LTS
02/10/2024 at 16:49
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390.3 KiB
File Name
LTS - Summer 2020 4-Day Timetable.WTT

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