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File Details - Leeds North West Oct 2018

Leeds North West Oct 2018

Leeds North/West timetable of trains that actually ran during the fist week in October 2018.
Timetable and train info from Official CIF files, WTT's & TRUST.

Chains with : Leeds East-West
Multi-Seed : Yes - 00:00 and 04:45 start

Timetabled Trains : 613
Rules : 162
Decisions : 1
Train Types : 30

Rules have been applied to stop sets returning earlier than is possible when the oubound train is late or in times of disruption.
Rules as well as dwell and turnaround times are as per Network Rail's Rules Of The Route document.

ARS Notes :
Most trains interpose without problems, but there are a few things the signaller will have to be wary of.
As has been said many times, ARS it designed to help the signaller, not to replace them.
3S24 does a few reversals and will have to be re-interposed when it does these moves.

Skipton :
You will have to interpose most trains out of Broughton Rd CS, and also in some cases at Skipton as well. 5S01 interposes incorrectly on startup, this is due to 5P19 in front being a "decision" train which ARS cant deal with. So, please interpose 5P19 manually as it is first out of the siding.

Timetable Note :
The following trains also call at Kirkstall Forge (opened 19 June 2016) and Apperley Bridge (opened 13 December 2015) but the stations are not on the simulation mapping screen or the locations are not in the timetable editor, therefore the stopping times are ommitted from the timetable.

Kirkstall Forge : 2H58/60/68/70/71/72/73/75/76/77/79/80/86, 2P19-2P61, 2P63-2P71
Apperley Bridge : 2H15, 2H68-77/79/80/86, 2P19-2P71

Freight :
All freight trains times are from the official cif files, consists are checked with trains that have ran during the period of the timetable (1-5 October 2018), and the decisions of DOTW (Day of the week) is based on this imformation.

Thanks :
Thanks go to Geoff Mayo for creating SimSig in the first place, and to Noel Young for the developing of Leeds North West

Please PM me if you find any faults or errors as with the radomness involved in the timetable its not possible to check every scenario thoroughly.

I hope you enjoy this intersting timetable as much as I have compiling it.

Timetable written by Phil Hodgson (Phil1044)

Timetable Versions :
12 October 2020 : v 1.0 Initial Release
12 October 2020 : v 1.1 Minor alterations at Skipton CS
16 October 2020 : v 1.2 Corrections to order out of Broughton Rd CS
22 October 2020 : v 1.3 UID Changes for Chaining with E-W
29 October 2020 : v 1.3.3 Addition of 5Z10, 5Z50, 5Z51
23 November 2020: v 1.4 Minor changes for compatibilty with West Yorkshire titetable from the same dates - This chains with Leeds East-West and Leeds Ardsley.
05 January 2021: v 1.5 Crew Changes and dwell added to Rylstone trains to prevent them leaving extremely early

User-contributed > Timetables > Leeds Northwest
05/01/2021 at 13:50
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68.8 KiB
File Name
Leeds North West Oct 2018.WTT

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