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You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Swindon A and B > File Details - Swindon Emergency TT 2021-05-10

File Details - Swindon Emergency TT 2021-05-10

Swindon Emergency TT 2021-05-10

Due to cracks found around the jacking points, most of the nation's IET fleet was grounded. On Monday the 10th May 2021 GWR could operate with only 3 of the IET fleet in action (800006, 009, 014). The emergency timetable was speedily put together over the previous weekend and it's the first weekday of operation. There are many VSTP paths today that ARS will not handle (not sure if this is prototypical but hopefully more interesting!) and some conflicts are inevitable with such a short turn around for train planning.

Services of note include:
- XC shuttle between Swindon and Bristol
- Some class 91's off to to be made into razor blades
- Class 387 training runs to Swindon for services that were introduced later in the week.

I have added allocations where I could get the info and the freights listed are ones that ran on the day. It is worth noting that 800014 was taken off one of the IET diagrams in the middle of the day leaving only 2 running but I have left this diagram complete so it doesn't get too boring! Some shunts have been added at Swindon for the cotswold diagrams where there wasn't the capacity without platform sharing.

User-contributed > Timetables > Swindon A and B
21/05/2021 at 12:55
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Swindon Emergency TT 2021-05-10.WTT

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