You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Maidstone East > File Details - Maidstone East - Winter 2021
Welcome to Maidstone East! A fairly simple simulation, perfect for beginners to Simsig. With the use of Automatic Signals, this simulation can be run at 125x speed.
This timetable includes all services for a Friday, featured within the Working Timetable between May 2021 and December 2021.
Every developed simulation deserves a fresh coat of paint. This is the motivation behind development of this timetable.
Take control of services from:
-London Victoria - Ramsgate/Minster/Folkestone Central
-London Victoria - Ashford International
-London Blackfriars - Ashford International
-Belmond British Pullman service from London Victoria to Gillingham in Kent
-Freight flows between Dollands Moor Sidings (near the Eurotunnel) and the Wembley European Freight Operations Centre.
-Plus more!
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