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You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Cheshire Lines > File Details - Cheshire Lines 1985 May

File Details - Cheshire Lines 1985 May

Cheshire Lines 1985 May

Operating Hours 06.00-24.00: 256 trains timetabled, number operating varying by day

PLEASE - read the guidance notes in the timetable before operating the timetable!

This timetable covers the Mid Cheshire lines as they were in 1985, with all passenger services run by British Rail and operating directly between Altrincham and Manchester, plus a variety of freight operations. Rather perversely, the most intense freight activity happens during the morning and evening passenger peaks.

This is a relatively simple timetable for solo users, though rush hours will be intense, especially if operated in the default modes of level crossings and Absolute Block on, but TORR off. Do please be mindful of the various issues and work-rounds.

The Mid Cheshire route is all about regulating freight traffic and being aware of the time taken between block posts. Get things wrong and the line between Altrincham and Mickle Trafford can grind to a halt frighteningly easily. The various level crossings merely add fuel to the fire.

User-contributed > Timetables > Cheshire Lines
19/02/2022 at 12:28
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Cheshire Lines 1985 May.WTT

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