You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > North East Wales > File Details - North East Wales Autumn 2022 SX (0415 Start)
Hello there! This timetable sees you signal the North East Wales area on a typical Autumn weekday. A wide variety of traffic is on offer, including various freight flows, railhead treatment trains, TfW's new stock test runs and the bread and butter passenger workings. Please note that the first train doesn't enter the map until 0418, and then after that, traffic doesn't really start kicking off until 0526, when the first passenger services start running. A full 27 hour TT is included (00:00 - 02:00 (27:00)), featuring all booked workings on a typical Autumn weekday*. Levels of traffic are as follows:
Freight: Low
Passenger: Moderate
ECS: Low
Overall: Moderate
*Some services (around 3, as few as possible) have been excluded due to limitations with SimSig.
Enjoy, and happy signalling!
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